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<br /> <br />"''''''. <br />~:t,.. <br /> <br />t' <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />-.. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular COll,ncl1 Meeting <br />Village of Arden Hills <br />~lon day, November 8, I ~71 <br />Village Hall <br /> <br />Ca II fo Order <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor C..,..u. <br /> <br />EolI Cei.ll <br /> <br />L <br />, ' <br />Mayor Crepeau, Counc IllII$n 0 I men, HOeft.nhorst, H.'nftr~ <br />,and Herrick <br /> <br />Absent: None <br /> <br />Present: <br /> <br /> <br />Also Present: <br /> <br />Clerk A.dmlnistretor Lorraine StrolllQuTst, Tr....Nt', <br />Richard O'Kelly, Englneer$ Donald t.unl:l end Dc>>Iilfhl ,'..: <br />Chr1stoffersen and Fiscal C.oflSultant~t.r S. PopovJcf!.i <br />, <br />'}: '" .~' <br /> <br /> <br />Approval of Minutes <br /> <br />The mInutes of the Regular Counc II Meeting of October 25, 1971" ur.. <br />approved as submitted. <br />The minutes of the Spechl COllncl I Meeting of November 4, 19'1' ..... <br />approved as submItted. <br /> <br />Public Hearings - Assessments R~ "1/-.{'3>, 7f~S",7/-S$""J-1/"'S:~F <br /> <br />Water Improvement No. 70-1 <br />Water Im,lroyementNo. 71-1 <br />Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 16 <br /> <br />See minutes as att8ched. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY VINCENT P. COURTNEY (absentl <br /> <br />SChutz,Constructlon Com~anv Contract <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney's Detter '~o the Council, datedPctober 4, 1971, ~4. <br />Ing the above subJectwlli~read by the Clerk Mmlnllltl"llitor. M...,If~,."I,ek <br />stated, In enswer to Atty.Collrtney's questli:ln In the letter, tilef. J" ' <br />no ny did he 01" MaYor C'rElPeeu agl"ee to "nYI>"Ol'OIl-81 f"OIlMr.~luttz <br />on September 25, 1971. The only agreement reached".s that the S~hil'tlt <br />Construction Co. complete the project on Monday,_September27,,1,71 <br />This was not done. Mayor Crepeau concurred with Councilman Herr!<*'. <br />statement. . <br /> <br />.REPORT OF ~NGINEER DONALD LUND <br />Glenll8\1i Road-New Brighton Road, Dralnag" Problem. <br />,c', Engineer Chrlstoffersenestltllated costs for the projects as to1Ieil1.': <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />1" <br /> <br /> <br />1i'4st Project <br />Wtost Project <br />Total <br /> <br />S 9,151 <br />2,375 <br />$11,526 <br /> <br />The Council discussed proJect financing. Mr. Ollll8nstated that $;{~!'lbo <br />has been budgeted In 1972 I n the Pub II c Works accoullt for the p...,JeC1:'. <br />Mr. Herrick said he favored the project only If a I~rge part o~ U I !II; <br />assessed against benefltted property owners and flot added to the, ta~,' <br />roll. Mr. Hollenhorst noted that there ere manyereas within t"e",l.e!!" <br />with drainage problems. The tlnance plan mey well set e prllc::edlill\tfof' <br />financing future drainage projects. Councilman Olme,n Instructed"".i <br />Clerk Admin Istrator to contact the res I dents of the areas Invot~~dto <br />see I f they ue willi n9 to pay assessments for the project. en.d~'ln..: <br />vItti them to attend ,the next CounCIl meeting to discuss the mart1-..,-" <br /> <br />.$ <br /> <br />"A l <br />'1'-" <br /> <br /> <br />