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<br />Council Minutes <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />Oct. 25, 1971 <br /> <br />C It 0 -0. . - n --to.. .1/- 5" z... <br />ommun y ne _ I\~-'I.U <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilman Herrick recommended that the Village approve the proposed <br />Joint Powers AQreOlOent - CommllOii'v One, Inc., and reported that <br />sufficient funds are budgeted in the Parks and Recreation in 1972 <br />to pay the amount. The money will be spent to employ a director. <br />Such approval wi I I not obligate Arden HI lis to the Agreement unless <br />all six partIcipating parties agree to the arhangement. Motion <br />was made by Herrick, seconded by Henderson, that Mayor Crepeau <br />execute the joint powers document; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government and' <br />Pub I I c Safety <br /> <br />~ Leqlslatlve Study Committee Members <br /> <br />Mayor Crepaaureported that assignments to serve on the 197:3 Legis- <br />lative Study Committees of the Metro League of Municipalities will <br />be made at the next Council meeting. <br /> <br />Fire Marsha II <br /> <br />Mayor Crepeau reported that the Public Safety Committee recommends <br />that a Fire Marshall be employed on a part-tIme basis In 1972, and <br />that $900 has been budgeted for that purpose; adoption of a fire <br />code would be necessary. <br /> <br />Councilman Herrick asked that opinions of Shorevlew and North Oaks <br />be obtained before acting on the matter. Clerk Administrator to <br />contact Shorevlew and North Oaks on the matter. Reference material <br />on the subject was filed by Mayor Crepeau with Clerk Administrator. <br /> <br />Liquor License Request <br /> <br />Council directed Clerk Administrator to write to applicant advising <br />that the land plat described Is not zoned to allow a liquor establish- <br />ment and also that the Council feels that the three existing off sale <br />liquor licenses are sufficient for the Village's population of 4,975. <br /> <br />Police Department Emplovee <br /> <br />Mayor Crepeau reported that the VI Ilage will lose one of Its full-time <br />pollee officers November 15, or December I. He Is to be married <br />and wi II be moving away. <br /> <br />Civil Defense Volunteers <br /> <br />Motion was made by Herrick, seconded by Olmen, that the following <br />Civil Defense members of the Village of Shorevlew be appointed as <br />special Civil Defense Deputies to work for Mounds View High School <br />and that they are not to be armed: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Don Ph I 11 P P I <br />Robert McClure <br />Richard Norquist <br />Jim Magn l'son <br />Donald Frick <br />Walter Knoll <br />W I I II am Cow Ie <br /> <br />James Cadwell <br />ell ff Mo I zen <br />Lester Stelcken <br />John Ricky <br />Jerry Kost <br />Dick Hass <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator to Inform Principal Jos. Kunze of the appoint- <br />ments. <br />