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<br />Council Minutes <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br />Oct. 25, 1971 <br /> <br />Motion was made by Olmen, $econded by Hollenhorst, that Council con- <br />cur with recommendations of the Public Works Committee and award the <br />bid to Trl-State Drilling and Equipment Co. In the amount of $1,280; <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Telemeter System <br /> <br />Motion was made by Dlmen, Seconded by HOllenhorst, that Gopher Electric <br />Contractors be authorized to make additions to the Village telemeter <br />system In accordance with conditions of their bid of Aug. 5, 1911, <br />at a cost not to exceed $1,591.00; motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Public Works Foreman <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Counci Iman Olmen reported that the Public Works Dept. Is stili In <br />need of a working foreman, and that Village employee Mr. Wayne Brunette <br />has agreed to perform the job on a trial basis. <br /> <br />Public Works Employee <br /> <br />Motion was made by Olmen, seconded by Hollenhorst, that Mr. Michael <br />McKinney be employed as a fulltime employee of the Public Works <br />Maintenance Dept. at the regular union rate; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN RONALD HERRICK, Parks and Qecreatlon, Human Rights <br />and Ordinance Review <br />Procedure Regarding Assessments on Ramsey County Property <br /> <br />Mr. Herrick asked Clerk Administrator to review recent resolutIons <br />passed by Rasevl lie, In particular, and by New BrIghton and to draw <br />up a similar resolution for Arden Hills Council consideration. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Recreational Areas, Rainbow Hills <br /> <br />Mr. Herrick reported that RaInbow Hills Developer Donald Partr.ldge <br />. attended the October 19, 1~71 meeting of the Parks and Recreation' <br />CommITtee and discussed the proposed recreatIonal areas within the <br />development with the Committee. He reported that Mr. Partridge expressed <br />a desire to do somethIng l~ the area of park lands and development <br />for the Village as a whole and 'aId he would consider buildIng tennis <br />courts on adjacent Chas. Perry Park. Mr. Partridge said that the <br />townhouses and condominiums association may want to control the planned <br />recreational areas within the development. <br /> <br />Mr. HerriCk said Developer PartrIdge expressed an Interest In pur'- <br />chasing an additional 6 acre tract on which to build storage units <br />for boats, trai lers, etc. Some members of the Committee felt that <br />the storage of such sportlnp equipment might be areal problem .for <br />the area and should be studied. Councilman Herrick presented the <br />following suggestions from the Parks and Recreation Committee minutes <br />of October 19, 1971:' <br /> <br />I. The Committee wants recreatIon areas within Rainbow Hills <br />organized and developed ~s the project development phases <br />are completed. <br /> <br />2. The Parks and Recreation Committee felt that the Planning <br />CommIssIon should watch closely to see that, as the develop- <br />ment progresses, the natural marsh land (other than those <br />In the County Open Space Plan) are not destroyed. <br /> <br />Mr. Herrick further detal led thoughts of the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee, stating that the 6 acre pond drainage area should be <br />left natural. The Committee felt that we should have a written state- <br />ment from the developer agreeing to this provision. The Committee <br />also felt that the pond behind Valentine Hills Elementary School <br />should be left natural. Councilman Hollenhorst said that present <br />plans present the pond as an Improved area suitable for skating <br />activities. <br />