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<br />, <br /> <br />-~ <br /> <br />. <br />I <br /> <br />MinuTe, of Council Moetlng <br />Page two <br /> <br />April 26, 1971 <br /> <br />Soo Line Rai Iroad Spur Track Crossln~ of Red Fox Roa~ <br />ATtorney Courtney reviewed his leTter, dated April 26, 1971, re the <br />Soo Line Crossing of Red Fox Road, and advised the Council that since <br />the Village has very I ittle informaTion re the crossing, various cost <br />and safety areas should be investigated, such as maintenance of the <br />crossing, details of construction of the crossing, proposed traffic <br />Information, proposed signals etc.; advising that eventually the Village <br />and Railroad should participaTe in an agreement. <br /> <br />At the request of the developer, Attorney Courtney stated that he <br />prepared a Hletter of intent" to the developer from Arden Hills, which <br />states that the Vii lage Is generally agreeable to the crossing. <br /> <br />AfTer Attorney Courtney read the draft of the letter, J. Hollenhorst <br />. moved that the letter, as read, be sent to the developer; seconded by <br />S. Olmen. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />International PaRer Company - Land Strip Purchase <br />Attorney Courtney advised the Council that he contacted the attorney <br />for International Paper Company re the proposed Arden Hills purchase of <br />a thirty (30) foot strip of land, as requested by the Council; reporting <br />that the Village request has been forwarded to International Paper <br />Company's eastern office, from which he is waiting for a reply. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />Grey Fox Road and Dunlap Street <br />Engineer Lund advised the Council of the damaged surfaces of Grey Fox <br />Road and Dunlap Street In the Industrial Park, advising that warning <br />lights were installed by the Public Works Department, In an effort to <br />prevent accidents. He stated that Rober:t~ Gonstrllctlon Co1mpany has <br />adv I sed that they' have eng-aged a con-j-rai:tor to repa i r the damaged <br />roads this week. <br /> <br />After discussion, the Council requested Mayor Crepeau and Clerk AdmIn- <br />istrator Stromquist 1-0 contact Roberts Construction Company, requesting <br />i mmed i ate road repa i rs, br I ng I ng the up to V l.111 age s~ i.f I ca.t lon~ <br />or the V III age will no longer ma i nota i n f.I~ streets:\ . <br /> <br />\ Fourteent Street ol9d 1m .~ ent Re ue~".' <br />, <br />Engineer L nd prese1t~ sibil ity report for the proposed recon- <br /> 14th Smet, as r:equested bY,Minneapolis Hide and Tallow <br />'F.PIIIi' . He stated that the Improvement Involved approxImately 1800 <br />linear feet of 9-ton roadway, 44 feet wide, ~o be reconstructed from <br />the frontage road along 1-35W to approximately 200 feet beyond the most <br />southerly entrance to the Minneapolis Hide and Tallow Company; including <br />concrete curb and gutter along both sides and stoom sewer to carry the <br />drainage from adjacent properties. The total cost of construction, <br />Including road, storm sewer, sodding, seeding and contIngencies Is esti- <br />mated at $107,500.00. <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The Council requested L. Stromquist to send a copy of the report to <br />the affected proper'j-y owners, advising them QLtoe petlfion requ'esting <br />the road improvement, and that".if constructtt:!l?t1ll' elrf re cost wll! be <br />assessed to the properties a~ the Improvement. <br /> <br />,~~."" <br />County Road E ., Sne III 'l9 Avenue Pre-construct i on Meet i n~ <br />Engl~eerLu"d'~dvised the Council that he and Mayor Crepeau attended a <br />pre-construction meeting at the Ramsey County Highway Department garage <br />on Apri I 22, re the County Road E and Snel ling Avenue road reconstruction. <br /> <br />Mr. Lund distributed copies of a report he prepared re the meeting, ex- <br />plaining that the LexingTon Avenue-County Road E Intersection has been <br />given top construction priority, but due to the necessity of moving a <br />gas main and telephone cable, there will be a delay; a four-way stop <br />will be provIded as soon as possible, and construction will be coordin- <br />ated to mainTain one lane of traffic and access~o al I businesses along <br />County Road E at all times; access to the residences, at al I times, can- <br />not be provided. <br /> <br />Mr. Lund stated that a seven (7) foot wide boulev.ard wI II be provided <br />along County Road E en the north side, as well as paint striping, Indi- <br />cating pedestrian crossing areas, In certain locations on County, Road E, <br />as reques-red. <br /> <br />-2- <br />