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<br /># ---. <br /> <br />Ii i nutes of Counc II I,leat I n9 <br />Pane .thr"ea <br /> <br />.;".-1 I 2/\ I 97 I <br /> <br />Engineer Lund advised that construction Is sCheduled to begin on May IU, <br />1971 and completion Is scheduled for October 15, 1971. <br /> <br />Lexlnqton Avenue Propo~ed Reconstruction <br />Engineer Lund advised that preliminary plans have not been completed <br />for the improvement of Lexington Avenue north of County Road E; but, <br />when completed, will be presented to Arden Hills for consideration befo~e <br />final plans are prepared. He said that, to date, provisions for <br />pedestrian traffic to the new Y.M.C.A. along Lexington Avenue have not <br />been prov i ded. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A request to the County to ~speed up" the proposed Lexington Avenue <br />improvement, was suggested by R. Herrick. He said he felt that the <br />traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, to the new YMCA, could put <br />the' Lexington Avenue improvement into a ~~igh priority" status. <br /> <br />Floral Drive - Municipal Water Petition Status <br />Mr. Robert Anderson, 1357 Floral Drive, read a letter from Mr. James <br />Johnson, owner of a plat consisting of approximately 15 lots, abutting <br />Floral Drive, stating that he Is in favor of the extension of municipal <br />water to the Floral Drive area. <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator Stromquist read a petition to the Council, presented <br />by Mr. Bruce Todd, 4136 Norma Circle, expressing opposition to the <br />extension of water lines to Floral Drive and the north Hamllne,area. <br /> <br />After consideration of the letter from Mr. Johnson and the two petitions <br />re the extension of municipal water to Floral Drive, Engineer Lund <br />determined that well over 35% of tho property owners to be affected~ <br />have requested that the water line be extended to the Floral Drive <br />area. <br /> <br />J. Hollenhorst moved that the Council authorize Engineer D. Lund to <br />prepare a feasibility report for the Floral Drive water improvement <br />for Council consideration at the next regular CouncIl meeting on May 10, <br />1971; seconded by R. Herrick. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund reported to the Council that Mr. James Johnson had Indi- <br />cated In a letter, that he had contracted to have James Circle surfaced; <br />but the contractor has been requested to ~hold up" on the surfacing <br />unt II It is determ I ned 1 f the water II ne I s to be extended to the area. <br /> <br />R. Herrick moved that a Public Hearing be scheduled on May 24, 1971, <br />at 8:00 p.m. at the Vi Ilage Hal I, to consider the floral Drive Water <br />improvement; seconded by J. Hollenhorst. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Floral Drive Street Improvement Peti~ <br />Engineer Lund read a petition to the Council, presented by,Mr;' Bruce <br />Todd, 4136 Norm& Circle, requesting that the Floral Drive area streets <br />(Floral Drive, Gale Circle, James Circle and Norma Circle) be put back <br />in the condition they were in prior to the sewer improvement. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund advised the Council that McDonald Construction Company <br />will repair these streets as soon as possible; they are presently working <br />on the Old Highway 10 portion of the Sewer 12-13 Improvement. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Banister Enqineerlnq Company Report - McDonald Constru~tlon Company Claim <br />The Counci I requested Engineer D. Lund to advise Engineer R. Short that <br />the Council would like lils report re McDonald Construction Company <br />claim for Council consideration at t~e May 10, 1971 Council meeting. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER WORTH READ <br /> <br />(absent - no report) <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning <br /> <br />No report. <br /> <br />-3- <br />