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<br />-# .. ~-. <br /> <br />Minutes of CouncIl Meeting <br />Page five <br /> <br />Apri I 26, 1971 <br /> <br />carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Pollution Complal.!l.:!:. <br />Mayor Crepeau advised the Council of several complaints he has re- <br />ceived re possible pollution of Little Lake Johanna from the Village <br />of Rosevi lie to i"he south. He reported "that the matter has been re- <br />ferred to the Police Department and Public Heaith Officer to Investi- <br />gate. <br /> <br />Officer Melban Fish - ApQroval of Pa~ Schedula <br />J. Hol lenhorst moved that the Council approve the pay schedule for <br />Officer Melban Fish in the amount of $5.16 per hour, commencing AprIl 5, <br />1971; ~econded by S. Olmen. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />E2lice Department_Award <br />Mayor Crepeau advised the Council that he, ?ubllc Safety Committee <br />Chairman Reppel and Pol lea Lieutenant Sexton will attend a Safety <br />Counci I dinner on Tuesday, May 4, 1971, at which the Arden Hills <br />Police Department will receive a tra~flc award. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISiRATOR LORRAiNE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Floral Drive Petitions <br />(See Engineer's Repor~) <br /> <br />Memorial Day Para~e and Community Pot Luck Lunch <br />Clerk Administrator L. Stromquist advised the Council of a request by <br />Arden Hills Jaycee, Wi Iliam Benzick, to publicize and invite community <br />participation in a Memorial Day Parade and Pot Luck Lunch on Monday, <br />May 31st. The parade wi II be sponsored by the local units of the VFW <br />and Jaycees and wit I start at the Lake Johanna Ele~entary School at <br />.10:00 a.m. and proceed along Lake Johanna Boulevard to Tony Schmidt Park. <br />After the parade, a)' about I I :30 a.m., the PTA's of Lake Johanna and <br />Valentine Hills Schools wi II Join the VFW and Jaycees in sponsoring <br />a P~' Luck lunch at the park to which the community residents are Invited. <br /> <br />The Council requested L. Stromquist to advise the Police Department <br />and newspapers of the Memorial Day program. <br /> <br />Claims <br />After review, S. Olmen mo~ed <br />seconded by E. G. Henderson. <br /> <br />that the Claims be paid as submitted.; <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Ad.iournm~ <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />Lorraine Stromquis <br />Clerk Administrato <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />NOTICE OF REGULAR COUtlflL MEETING <br /> <br />April 30, 1971 <br /> <br />You are hereby notified that a regular meeting of the Village <br />Counci I wi II be held on Monday, I~O. 1971, at 8:00 p.m. In <br />the Village Hall for -;-he transaction of regular business. <br /> <br />CLERK ADMINISTRATOR <br /> <br />By: ~~. ~rd~~.. <br />