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MINUTES OF REGUL4R 'DGEETING <br />COUNCIL bF THE VII,LAGE OF ARDEN H3LIS <br />BQonday, July 27, 1959 <br />The meeting vess called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Ma9or Ashbach. <br />,• Roll Callt Presept; Ashbach, Crepeau� Itepnedy, DelBnge, Stromquist. <br />Absent; None. <br />The Minutes of the July 13, 1959 meeting were read and approved. <br />A public hearin� was held on the request of Mr. C. G. Rien to rezone <br />from Residential to Commercial some land located on the SW corner of Co. <br />Road E and Lexington Ave. Mayor Ashbach described the location of land <br />• and read the legal description. No one appeared at meeting in opposition <br />to the rezoning and there were no questions from the floor on the matter. <br />Trustee Kennedq reported that the Public Welfare Committee favored the <br />rezoning. NTs. Rien stated the rezoning request was � de to allow Harkins <br />Driving ftange to relocate from Roseville to Arden Hills. Motion made <br />by Kennedq� seconded bq Drepeau that tne amendment to the zoning <br />ordinance be introduced by ��tle to rezone the described area from <br />Residential to Commercisl. �otion passed. Attorney Courtney to prepare <br />formal ordinance by next meeting. <br />. <br />,� <br />• <br />� <br />Highwey plans for TH62 renumbered as TH 10 from Hy 100 to Hy 96 were <br />submitted by Mr. VanKrevlin of the Minn. Eighway Dept. Joh.t� Nesky <br />objected to plans as they took away hie acceas from Highway 10 on <br />cormnercial property owned by him at the corner of Highway 10 and High- <br />way 96. yIr. Van Krevlin stated that when access is taken, the land <br />owqer is paid f'or it by Highway Department. <br />Plans were submitted for a part of TH 393 renumbered as TH 694 from <br />west corporate limits of Arden Hills to east corporate limits and of <br />seven bridges to be built" as part of TH 694. �ert Schutte, a resident <br />of Hamline Avenue felt that during construction of bridge on Hamline <br />access to his nursurq business on Hamline Avenue might be cut off. Mr. <br />VanKrevlin stated that Highwag Department �vill cooperate in every way <br />possible to cause as little inconvenience ae possible. <br />Vfotion made by Crepeau, seconded by Stromquis t that non encroachment <br />resolution in regard to TH62 from 5nelling Ave. to TH96 as per attached <br />resolution be approved� Motion passed. <br />`Motion by Crepeau, seconded by DeLange that Highwsy plans for TH 62 <br />renumbered TH10 from Snelling Avenue to Juct TA 96 (as attached resolution) <br />be approved. Motion passed. <br />I�otion made by,T�f DeLange, seconded by Kennedy that plans for bridges <br />on TH393 renumbered as.TH 694 (es attached resolution) be approved. Pdotion <br />passed. <br />Motion made bg Kennedy, seconded by Stromquist that nop encroachment <br />reaolution (as attached) for TH 393 renumbered TH 694 from the west <br />corporate village limits to the east corporate limits be approved. Motion <br />passed. <br />Motion made by DeLange, secended by Crepeau that plana and specif. for <br />TH 393 renumbered 694 from west corporate limits of Arden Hills to east <br />corporate limits be approved. i�otion passed. <br />H�s. John Neskg requested rezoning to commercial some land owned by him <br />at Highway 96 and Aighwag 10. Upon motion by Kennedy, aeconded by <br />Crepeau, an ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance tp rezone the 400' X 300� <br />piece of land from residential to commercial was introduced by title. <br />Motion passed. A public hearing on the matter was set for August 31, 1959 <br />at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall• <br />