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� <br />. �s � <br />Extract of MinuMm of the bie�ting <br />of tht Village Council of th� <br />Villaqe of �rden Hills. <br />Rams�y County� Minnfsota <br />its adoptione <br />RE90LUTION APPAOVING PLANS A18) SPDC2PICATIONS <br />AND ESiIt+�ATE OF CO3T AND FIXIt� TZME AND PLACE <br />OF PtlBLZC HEARiNG ON <br />SANITAR'! SE'NER IldPR01/fiMENT i�. 2 <br />�hiEAEaS, pursuant to<a previou� r�solution adoptM by th• <br />Village Council of the ViLlag� of Ard�rt Hi11e, a rsport has b�t�n <br />prepazed by Banist�r Engint�xing Coa�pany, which r�port has b��n <br />Pursuant to dua call and notice thas�oF, a sptcial mseting <br />� of the Villags CounciT of th� Villag� of Ard�� Hills. Ati:nn�sota, <br />was duly h�ld at tha Village Hall in said villag� en th� 14th <br />day of August. 1959 at 8:00 o'clock P.M.; <br />The followinq membs�s wRr� pr�sent: All •xc�pt DtLanqt <br />Mtanb�r Kennady intraduced the follnain9 r�solution and awv�d <br />� <br />r�ceived by the CoFufcil. and <br />.�'HEREAS preliminasy plans and specificattons haw 6e�n medR <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />and prepar�d and f i Ud in the offic� of th� Villaq� Cl�rk for makinq <br />of a sanitary aerar impzov�wnt in the portiort of th� Villag� ef <br />Arden Hills encoiepaa��d in the followiny dasaribsd afisa: <br />Comm�ncinq at a point on the south lin• of th� Villagi of <br />ard�n Hills. said point b�inq th� SW Corn�r of th� E�i of th� <br />E�5 of Section 33, T.30. R.23t thence north�rly.along th� <br />w�st line of said E►� of E� to the north line of said S�etion 33; <br />th�nce northarly alcny the we;t lin� of th� SE� of th* SF.� of <br />5ec. 28� T.30, R.23, approximately 670 f��t to th� c�nt�slir»:of <br />th* IAinneapolis� 5t. Paul and'Sau1t St�. Nia.ri• Railway <br />Company's riyht-of-way; th�e+a• w�sterlg along thf c�ntsrlin� <br />of aaid Minntapolis. St. Paul. a Sault St�. �Aaz1� Railway <br />Company's right-of-way appxoxinately 2.680 ff�t to a point on <br />the �ast lins of th� FN� of th� �N� of said-5�stion 28; ihtnc• <br />southerly along said eaat line of said 1Y� of W� appzoximately <br />la9 feat to the south lin� of said Section 28� thtnce southorly <br />along the east lin� of tha W�'of the Nw�3 of said 3ec. 93.°- <br />approxim�tely 2�l�40 f��t; thence wasterly a2ong th� soutl� lino <br />of said wh of NW�# approximately 1.342 fe�t to the wtst lin� of <br />saic� Seetion 33t th�nca southarly alony the west linf of said <br />Soction 33, appsoximat�ly 2.615 f�et to'th� Sw Corn�r of said <br />5ection 33t thenc• sast*rly a3ong tha sauth lin� of said <br />S�c. 33 approximat�l,y 3.975 f�st to the point of bpginniny, <br />at a total estimat�d oost of Thrtt Hundr�d Ftfty Doliars (5350.000.00). <br />1 <br />