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. � <br />.J{;"�� THEREfQEt� BE IT RESGLVED by the Villsg� CaunCil of <br />the Vi11�ge of Arden Hi1LsR 1oSinnesota, as failowss <br />, 1, Ths prelimi.nary, plans and sp�cifiCation� and tstieaate <br />of costa �s her�inabove set foxth art htrrby approvod and asid <br />�� � � ��imptav�mRnt�shall�:htr�aftor�b� eatitled Sanitary S��er Impscvs- �� � <br />ment t3o. 2. <br />2. A pubiic h�aring,on th'e p�o�ose+d improveswnt shall De <br />he2d et the Lak• Johanna Ele�net►tary School in ssid Villag� an <br />?uesday. the 20th day of Octobtr, 19"�9 at 8eOt1 a'tloak d�.M, and <br />tht Villagt C1erk ahall publish notic• cf the ti� and placa of <br />hearing by two v��eks publication in the Rose Tribune, Lh� officfa! <br />newspapes af tM Villaga. <br />• 3. The ares proposed to b� �ss�sced for said improva�t <br />includss all of thf.lots and psrc�ls of land kying within th• <br />area �ncompasssd by the,followin9 territory within tha Villagr af <br />Axdan Hills: <br />, Commancing at a point on the �outh linR af the Vi11� t ef <br />Ardfn Hi11s. said point being the S`al Gornsr of tha E� of th� <br />E� of-S�ction 33, T.3�3� R.2�; thenca northerly along tha <br />wnst line of saad �►� of Ebz to th� north:Iin� of said Sectian 33t <br />thence northerly along tha wost line of the SEt�a of the S� af <br />�' Sec. 28, ?.30, R.23, spproximais3y 670 feet to tha tente�lln� of <br />� tht A3inn�apolis. St. Paul and Sal�lt Ste: Masie Aailr�ay <br />� Gampany's right-of-way ; thence avosterly along the csnt�rlina <br />� of said' �inn�apolis, St. Paui. d Sau1t Ste. Ftsxi� Railway <br />� Compbny's right-af-way approxienately 2.680 #t�t to a point on <br />; the east 13ne of the �V�Z of the +ni4 of said SeEtlon 28; thenc� <br />. southerly along aaid aast line of said 1+7� of Y� apprcximateiy <br />149 faet to ih� south lint-of said Sfc�ion 2E�= thenc� aoutherly : <br />�long the last lief� of the Y� a#'�he Nq►Yb of �aid Stc. 33, <br />approximately 2�640 ��et; thsnce west�rly along the scuth lin� <br />of said v�� of MN%� approxi�aately 1,342 f��t to th� west linQ of <br />Said Sectien 33i th�nce snutherly alon9 tha w�st Iinr'of said <br />Ssction 33, approxie�ataly 2,G13 fert to th� SW Corn�r"o# said <br />• Sectioa 33; th�nc� •asterly alcnq th� south I1:�tir of said <br />Sec. 33 approxia�ate2y 3�975. feet ta tht point of begir�ninq. <br />ihe'motian far tha sdogtion of th4 fczegoinq resolutioa wnr <br />duly seconded by Msmber Grep�au, and upor� vot� being takan tharton, <br />the follawinq voted in favoa theraof: All <br />and the following vot�d against the s�mes None <br />• wher*upon said xesolwtion was declerid duty pasaad and adopt�d. <br />