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- � ;� - <br />� <br />� <br />Extract of Minutes of Meeting <br />of the Village Council of <br />The Village of Arden Hills <br />Ramsey County, hiinnesota <br />Held February 24, 1960 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special <br />meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills, <br />D�innesota vaas duly held at Lake Johanna School in said Village <br />on 4;Iednesday, the 24th day of February, 196Q, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. <br />The £ollowing roembers were present: Ashbach, Stromquist, <br />Crepeau, Kennedy and Jones, and the following were absent: None. <br />Also present at the mesting were Mr. iNm. L. Devitt, acting <br />• Village Attorney, Messrs. William Banister and Roger Short of <br />Banister Engineering Company, and Mr. Peter S. Popovich o£ Peterson <br />and Popovich, bond consultants. <br />The Mayor announced that the next item for consideration <br />was whether the Council should consider Sanitary Sewer Improvement <br />No. 2 and whether or not the improvement should be ordered, the <br />original public hearing having been held on actober 20, 1959. <br />After due consideration thereof, Member Kennedy moved <br />the adoption of the €ollowing resolutions <br />• RES�LUTION GRDERING SANITARY SE;JcR IMPROVEI�;ENT <br />N0. 2, kND DIRECTING PREPARATION OF FINAL PLANS. <br />4�HEREAS a resolution of the Village Co�il adopted the <br />14th day of August. 1959, fixed a date for a hearing on the <br />proposed sanitary sewer ir�provement generally in the following <br />described area: <br />