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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />` ± <br />Coaoesencinq at a point on the sout� linr af tha Villa�� <br />of Arden Hills, said point b�inq thr 5N CornQr of ihe <br />E� of the E� of Section 33, T.3�, R.�3; thenw <br />northerly alonq tht wtat line of' safd E� of E�i to �Ae <br />north line of said $iction 33, then�e northerly alnn+p <br />the west line' af the SE� of "tht 5� of 64c. 28, <br />'t. 30, R. 23, approximat�ly 6r��l:feet to thf cent4r],�na� <br />of the Mirtneapolis, �t.. Paul a�d 5a�lt Ste. Marie <br />Ftailway Company's riqht-of-way; then�� westerly alonq <br />the centarlic�� of said J�ir�n�apolis, St. Paul, � SeulY. <br />5te. Marie ABilwey Gampa�►y�s r�.qht-of•way ap�sroxime#tlY <br />2;6�0 feet to e po4nt on 'tha oai#, lftte of #�e W� of fit�p <br />1N� csf said Ssction 38; thenc�t southerly alar�q said <br />aast line of said W� of W�Z approrimatfly ld9 f��t tb, <br />th� south line of said Section 28; th�nct soutMriy <br />along tlze east lict� of tt►t N(� of t�• NW46 of s�id <br />Sec. 33, approximat�ly 2,64CJ fs�t; thartce wtstesly <br />along the south lin! of said W� of NW16 app�eaximetfly <br />1,342 faet:to th� west line of said Sectloh 33; <br />thence southerly along`tfie r.est line o# said' Setticrn 33� <br />approximately 2,615 f�et to the �YY`Go�ntr of sa1@ <br />Section'33; thrnce �astMxly along th�`sovth lin� of <br />said S�e. 33 appraximately 3,973 f��t to the point 0f <br />beginning _ <br />AN� WHEREAS a11 property awntrs whose propirty is liableto be <br />assessed for,the makinq of this lmprovoment were 41v�tn te►� days <br />published notice of the Ceuncil hearingthrough w�ekly publi6+ltione <br />of the required notice and th• hearinq w�s held and th�e prop�rty <br />owners u�ere h�ard herean as of that dat+� it being the 30th day ' <br />ef October, 1959, <br />NON! THEREFORE BE II' RESOLV�D By t'hs Courz�il of tht Viilage <br />of Arden Hills as follows: <br />1. It is ht�eby-d�����+in�d that it fs rac�ssary and for the <br />best interests of th� Vilie�e and the owners of the proptrty <br />especlally bentfitcd �l�at the sanitary sew�rr 'improv��nt is h+�reby <br />order�d as proposed in tR�r Cmuncil Resnlution edapted Auquat 14� <br />1954, •xcspt, hnx��ver, ihat the exterat of said iraprove�nent and <br />ths foregeing districi baunda�les may be radueed aftea detwi3ed <br />surv�ys neceesary fc+r thp prQparatfon af final ple+ns and <br />spteifi�ations �nay indieate th� d►sirability th�renf in view of <br />additional subdivislons and qxadi:�q of arcas sin�e the.'date c7f th• <br />oriqinal surveys made fos the prp�im3nary report, se as t4 pravid� a <br />sanitary sewer system as dlscribed in said notice for Lhe te�zitbzy <br />described in said rrotice as follows: <br />Conenencing at a point on the svuth line of the Village <br />of Arden Hills, said point beinq the 51Y corner of the <br />E�Z of the E� af 5action 33, T. 30, R. 23; thence <br />northerly alor�q.the west line of said fi� af E� ta th� <br />north line of s�id S�ction 33;'thencQ north�erl� along <br />the vrest lino of th�' S$�4 of the SL1� ai' Sec. 28, <br />?. 30, R. 23, appra�xi;mately 67fl feet ta t,hr cent�trTine <br />of ti�e Minneapolis,, S�. Paul aed Sault Ste. i4ari+e <br />Rai.lway Company's xfgi�t-of-way; th�nce westexly alon±� <br />the c�nterllne af said MinnEepplis, 5t. Pae�l, 8 Sau1t <br />St:. 1�aria Railw#Y Go�P��Y�a tight-of-wey fpp,toximati►ly <br />