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I <br />MINIITES OF REGUTAR B�ETTNG <br />COWi CIL OF VILIAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Monday, June 26, 1961 <br />�• The meeting was called to order by acting Idayor Henry Crepeau at 8:00 p.m. <br />RO�LI, CALL: Present: Crepeau, Stromquiat, Olmen <br />� <br />Upoq motion <br />Meeting of <br />presented. <br />Mr. Kennedy arr3ved at 9:00 p.m. <br />Absant; DAayor Ashbach <br />Also attending; Vincent Courtneg, Village Attorney and Roger <br />8hort oP Banniater Engineering Co. <br />by Olmen, second by Stromquist, the minutes of the Special <br />Jupe 8t:� and the regular meeting oP June 12 were approved as <br />&tr. LARRY KUEHN, 3199 N. Lexingtop appeared with a�r.oup of neighbors frosn <br />that area asking what the.council was going to do re: the Mythland Club at <br />3205 N. Lexington. It was their request that the council take action to <br />condemn the buildings. This is the site oP the former Edgewater Motel. <br />However, it has not been operating as a motel for over a year. The F�npi�e <br />Reality is purported to be handling this property. Their attorney ia Pdr. <br />Hi Segall. <br />Our Village Attorpey, Mr. Vincent Courtney, stated that by law the buildings <br />can only be condemned if they are found to be unsafe for humsq habitation. <br />The Council di�ected Mr. Ed Salverda, electrical inspector, to check all <br />electrical wiring of the buildings. <br />Nf�. Courtney stated that a�St. Paul attorney had inquired if thia spot eould <br />be operated as a motel. Mr. Courtney told him it aould be operated as a <br />qon-conforming uae only on the basis that it had been in continued use. <br />� <br />VII3NON SMITH, resident on I$ke said he had lived in thia area Por <br />20 yeara. He had seen the motel ip operation for all that time. He further <br />stated that when the building code went idto effect, the motel could operate <br />as such as long as the operation was continuous, opce it ceased the code <br />could revert this Qropertq back to residentisl. He now requests the property <br />be rezoned to residentiel, the little cottages be torn down and every effort <br />be made to make this into a nice neighborhood. <br />�Ift, EDWARD FYTEN stated that about a year ago the owner, a Idr. Nilsson was <br />looking for a buyer and shomed him thraugh ths cabins. They were not fit <br />for habitation. <br />MR. WARREN SILJENBERG, 1200 Edgewater Ave. W. rsised the question of the <br />buildinga being a fire trap. <br />Upon motion by Crepeau, aecond bg Olmen, all nills�e inspectors and the <br />fire marshall are to investi�ate the premises at 3205 Ir'. Lexiqgton and <br />bring in a report to the Council as soon as possible. I�Hotion carried. <br />The residents suggeated that a const�nt surveillance be kept by the aquad <br />k. car. They also wanted to know how long bePore action can be taken on this <br />place apd if the village could ❑ot find reason to file compla iet what <br />recourse wouTd they as residents have. Mr. Courtney stated that ae private <br />citizena they could file a complaint that these premises are a publio nuisance <br />\ ' I <br />