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� <br />n <br />MINUTE5 OF S�CIAI, MEETTNG <br />COUidCIL OF VILIAGE OF.ARDEN HILIS <br />Thursday,.June 22, 1961 <br />• The meeting was called to order at 9s00 a.m. by Magor Ashbach. <br />Present at this meetipg were the Pollowin� people; <br />Robert 0. Ashbach, hiayor <br />Lorraine 3tromquist, Clerk <br />Henry J. Crepeau Jr.,Councilman <br />Roger B. Bhort, Engineer <br />Karl Burandt, Fngineer <br />VPilbur Ziebenow, Engineer <br />• <br />• <br />R. V. Curtiss of Jay W. Craig Co. <br />John Stuurmans <br />Jim London of ABay W. Craig Co. <br />E. :darkham of E.�arkham Const.Co. <br />R. J. Potter of R, J. Potter, Inc. <br />The Mayor, Mr. Robert Ashbach, opened the meeting by stating that the <br />reason this meeting was oalled was that the eouncil of the Village oP <br />Arden Hills considered it neaeas�ry to inquire of the Jay W. Craig Co. and <br />its subcontractors as to whether theywere fullq awara oP the magnitufle of <br />this improvement. Mr, qshbach also stated that the council wanted assur- <br />ance that the contractor would bring in enough road bu11d1ng equipment <br />and keep thia material otm the project so that the improvement aan be <br />finished by Oct. 6, 1961. <br />pfter some discussion bg �. Ashbach and also i�Lr. Stuurmans, Roger Short, <br />and the writer it was agreed upop that the Valentiqe-Shorewood Hills area <br />would be the f�rst to receive the 3mprovement of street grading and surfac- <br />ipg. Mr. Ashbach stated that he felt this area deserved the firet consider- <br />ation because the people in this srea were most conside�Le during the spring <br />breakup and the roada are very poor in this area. It was also felt that <br />the streets in Improvement area 3 ahould be veorked on wherever posaible <br />after the streets in Improvement Area No. 4 were completed. Since a aub- <br />stantial amount of atorm sevuer work would be neceasary in Improvement Area <br />3, apd since thia storm sewer work would not probably be completed in order <br />to allow completion of atreet grading and aurfacing in Improvement Area. <br />No. 3, the conetractoP is to work iq Improvement Area No. 5 whe4ever straet <br />work is being delayed becauae of the storm sswer work in Improvement Area 3. <br />The contractor�a representatives Mr. Curtiss, h;r. Stuurmans aqd P�. London <br />agreed thst thia vuas a reasonable approaoh to the method in which the atreet <br />work in the area could be aacomplished and they could find no particular <br />reason why the improvement could not progress in the manner outliped. <br />Mr. Curtiss stated, upon questioning, that the E. Markham Construction Co. <br />aould be doing all excavation and grading work for the three improvements, <br />also that theR. J. Potter Construction Co. woald be installing all of the <br />various storm sewer work except where extension of centerline eulverts or <br />othgr culnert work other thanstorm sewer work was to be done. The Jay W. <br />Craig Co. is to produce, deliver, and place all sand and granel subbase <br />material, stabilize gravel, and bitumiqous surfacing work. <br />The suhcontractor, R. J. Potter, Inc., stated that they were ready to ster� <br />work immediately and that conatruction would start as aoob as posaible. It <br />was determined that probably construction could start on Monday, June 26, <br />by the installation of storm sewer on Venus Ave. and in the area of Fsir�iew <br />and Venus iqtersection. Street grading work would probably be delayed for <br />one to two weeks, or about July 10. <br />Sand and gravel backfill and stabilized backfill work will follow excavation <br />and gradin� work immediately after the excavation has been completed and <br />approved by the engineer. This procedur,o will leave the completed street <br />excavation open a very minimum of time. <br />� I <br />