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�*� <br />� <br />and Project No, 2- the aYea zaesC of STH 51. <br />THEREFORE, BE IT R3SOI.VED By THL VILLAGE COUIdCiL OF ARDEPI HILLS, t�iIPli]ESOTA: <br />1. Such plans and specifications, copies of which are attached hereto, <br />and made a part hereof, are hexeby approved. <br />2. The Clerk Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the <br />New Brighton Bulletin, the official paper, and fn the Construction Bulletin, <br />an advertisement for bids upon the maI:ing of such approved plans and specifications. <br />The advertisement Eor Consolidated T-dater Improvements Nos. 6F�-2 and 60-3, shall <br />be published as required by lac�, shall specify the cuoric to be done, shall call <br />for bids upon the basis of a cash payment for such work, shall state that the <br />bids wi11 be opened and tabulaCed 'ay the Clerk Adrniniatrator and Consultino <br />Engineer at 2:00 o'clocic P.I;.� on August u, 19G9, in Che Village Ha11, that no <br />• bids o�iZl be considered unless sealed and iiled irith the clerk and accompanied <br />�y a cash deposit, ce•rtified ci�ac'; or bid bond paye.hle to the Cier': Adm�nzstrato� <br />for ten pe't cent (10%) of tFie Freount of euch bid�and that [he specAficatzons <br />ir.clude a completion date in ?9G9 for Project ilo. 1 of ['ater Improvement 5�-2 <br />and altern�te bids Por 1.69 and 1970 carap'_etion dates for the balance of the <br />inprovements, <br />The motion for t�ie sdoption of the fo�egoing resolution cvas duly seconded <br />u� Councilman Olmen and, upon vote being te:?cen tllereon, the following voted <br />in favor: All present, <br />and tlte following agains�: I7one; <br />u�zereupon said resolutio.� e��,s declzred dely p�,ssed and adopted. <br />_ z � <br />u <br />