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�� <br />� <br />S1ATE OF i;II]NESOTA ) <br />COUNTY OP RAiiSEY ) SS <br />VIL`,,AG� OF ARDEN HILLS ) <br />I, tl�e undersigned, being ttie duly quaZified and acting Cleric Administrator <br />of the Village of Arden iIiils of Ramsey County, 't-dinnesota, do hereby certify <br />t[ia.t I have care'ully compared the attached and foregoing extract or' minutes <br />of- a. regular meeting oi said Village Council held on the 14t?� day of July, 19G9, <br />• ae �:00 o'clocic P.T�., witi7 ti�e ori�-na1 thereot on file in my oifice, and tize <br />same is a f-ull, true �nd conplete transcript there£rom insof�.r as the szme <br />relates to Gonsolidated F?ater Improveraents i�Tos. 6u-2 and G^-�, . <br />''ITPIESS Ia1' '_IAPID eud the seG.L of Villa�e tiZi� 23rd dey oi July, 1969. <br />� <br />Clex�:�ato� <br />(SEAL) <br />0 <br />• <br />