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H3.rute� af Special Council �eeting <br />Page Fo�P <br />Dacember 13, 1979 <br />of *lour chan�n whieh makea �orthwestern College non-confoamiag <br />i_A crdia�nce is adopt�d. <br />• <br />• <br />Er3ckaon relaeed what the non-confosming statva would meam to <br />���xchwesfesa ColTege - couldn`t expand, develop, but waret of all, <br />vc tear our buildinge dowa �nd ¢hae goes againet everpthing <br />I.'ve h�ard from this Council, ataff, p?anner and against the court <br />proceepings by �r. Regaier. Erickacn said that all of those <br />statements said thaL ve don't want to deatroy Northweatarn Coilege. <br />�� only want to regulate it. Those staeements, quur honor, �e <br />haroa sgreemeut �2sh. We are �illin� to eubmit to reasonable re� <br />gulatiuns; �e advoceted che adoptior. 04 the prior ordinanee iu vhiah <br />��ster.n College vouZd have �eQn a Specisllp Per�itted �s�, <br /> undar thie ordinance, ue�r�a non-conforming uae - you are asying <br />in esasne� "�se ate go.r.g to de�croy you"f "you aust leave", "you <br />muat ra;� yaur baildiage down", "tha£ is thc end of NorChveetetn <br />C�11ege". <br />Ericksan requeated the Council to revise the descr4ption o£ echoole <br />to a!lov eoilegee aad universitiee aa a epecially per$iited uos in <br />borehvestern's aouiug diatrict. Thia vould be a eoastiCutianall� <br />ffind lagal ect; am crr3tten would be boeh illegal and uncouatitutioasl. <br />Crepec,u noted 2hat Northweatern College has not been denied aay <br />:ecaringa. <br />GPi�hto� eaplatned that the soning has not chaaged foz Horthves2ern <br />Co�leg� fzom 1477. IC was, and semaiue, a non-confnrming use; <br />thAs �loee noc require �ou to ceaz down buildinga. <br />Er:�.eEcaon zeferred to page 4-27 8. Amcstization of NQmm-COA�QIIDSA� <br />1J�3e, -rhS�ch te�* read alaud. <br />R:,tns;on e�dvieed that the College has the ze2ief to apply fos a re- <br />�on�,1��g to accomo�ate �Iorthweatern College, with an appropz�ate <br />S�ecial i3se ?ermft under the existing ordinance. <br />7chn McCarthY revi�Wed certain goints� <br />1. In preaent otdinance, colleges sre a non-conforming use i.n <br />tesadential districPe. <br />2. Supr�m� court �'eclaion iz�a[ructe City to iesue permit for <br />� Fine Arta Bullding, not thai Northweetern Coltega ia a <br />permitted use. <br />3. The co2lege°s a�etue is noe changed i.n the proposed ordinance <br />from eahati id Ys ir. ihe eac3�a[ing� and Propoaed osdinance <br />� coneinnes th3s e2a[;�e. <br />iom, aeated thac eha existine ordinance has no amortizaYion; <br />+�cr,--confoxmin� use would not �xohibiF expaneioa; some of Northwzstprn°s <br />uclldiags are approxi�naCing 70 y�srs, - a verq tic�elq conceia. . <br />rsichton nated t�at t_ouucil will coaeider Mr. Erickaon`s auggeatad <br />c,fisages along v4th th� other proposed changea; euggeated that Che <br />R-.', uLets2ct proposed along Cleveland Avenuep aeat of the highlinee, <br />be exteraded io include ehe residentiul atea on the eouih s3de of <br />SioHe �venux, ratS�er than jaee eauth oP those homes - a <br />�us�: 1o�ica?. pluce to draw 2he line. <br />9'.acson - it�mized exf.sting a�on-¢onfax�ing properties: <br />r;SP SuLstatioa - Highsasy 10. <br />Columbi�a Tsasigit - Countq Road F. <br />Hi.nneapol�e Hide and TaI16sa - 14th Stree2 N.E. <br /> Lodge - Edgewater Avenue. <br />:Ie�cthwraCexn Coilege - eou¢h end of Lske Johanna <br />?lultipie reaidenee - 14th S�reet <br />Pz12ag�: 0£fice and Public Worka Bullding - Highway 96 <br />VAllage SCorage Building - Nev Bzighton Road <br />':�.o-Fa;�°1� �3c��llings: Hamliaxe <br />Cannomm � <br />4 <br />