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MF�ufies o� Re3ular CounciJ Meeting June 12, 1978 <br />Page 5 <br />. <br />L J <br />traross. compatib#e �� Ban Coe�°s bu3iding; descri6ed a waste/refuse <br />area which witl provide for di5posal of }�szardous��rastes (if needed) <br />� concrete pit in#o which hazardous materiai would be drsined for <br />barrelilog an�i subsequently carrled 4o a hazsrdous aastes land fili. <br />Af4�r dasc:ass;on, Crich�on moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Counctl <br />approve th� Final Piafi of 4exEngfion Woods OffEce Park, as submTtted, <br />the 8d0 sq�aare icot •�sriance far buitdtng �) (BanConi and Suilding <br />Permits for buildings ! H 2 t9anCon d N81), aith tn� rorioaing conri�.ac.-.- <br />cies:l. Cfty rlttorney's appi-oval of cross easements to proyide <br />parkar�g and aceess 'Fo all lots ie� tt�e p`.at, and an eccess <br />� <br />3. <br />�:. <br />5. <br />b. <br />7, <br />8. <br />9. <br />!0. <br />easem�nt i'o Lexingfon Rvenue. <br />Ctty Fngineer°s approvnl of ptans, �peaiffcations and <br />p�rfor�mance bond 4or consfruc�ion of sewer and water <br />lines svhich wiil b� dedicated i�o the City. <br />Clty Fngineers approvaf af.utitity easemmnts which are <br />to ba (ndicat�d on #he Fina1 PIaY. <br />Sa�h�sfiactory resolufion of drainage along the north side <br />of thc� site as approved by the Ctty Enginee�. <br />Fianner's approvai of typ€cal isndscape area pians and <br />&ubmission of performanc� bund as esfabllshed by Counci6. <br />Bden��fication of curb radius at entra�ce to NBI nortP� <br />parking dot. <br />approval of elevation caicuiations re f3oer sleva4ions for <br />Duildings by City Engineer. <br />Future approval ot signage by Gouncii on rscommendation of <br />Planning Con�mtssion. <br />Satts4ec4ion oP Park Dedicatton. <br />Approval of F»fernal traffic, safety and dErectiana) sJgns <br />by the City v�€sesner. <br />On discussuon, i4 was noYed tha'r it has been i-he City's policy 40 <br />wii-hhoid execui•io�r or iinal piats until fhe bid toas been awarded <br />far fhe u9$lit,< and/esr afreet construcfion. Hagen seid fhat, <br />b�eause of a b�,ck-log af Rasrsey Gounty, delay 4n obtaining a iega7 <br />descriptlon e+outd delay finaac6ng ihe buifding�. <br />A&o4ton carried unanimously. <br />Case No. 78-l3 Buildin Permit - Eastside Bevera e Com an <br />Mil"er brlefly described the 5,400 square foot beer disfiribution <br />cen-��er praposed by Eastsid� Beverage Company, fo be located on an <br />approxPmate 5.�6 ecr6 parcel, narth or the Sao Lfae rallroad tracks <br />and asst of Niyh�ay 51, at 4he wes4 end af tde segment of Grey <br />Fox Road.which ext�nds from the service drive easterly, terminating <br />at i�he Mest edq� of fhe subJecf parce4. <br />9Ni1Per reporte:a that the City Attorn�y has v�rifSed that a beer <br />distributfon con4er 1s a permitted us� in the L-1 zoae; no#ed that <br />fh� ViElage Camprehensive Pian proposes that th• two existing seg- <br />menfs of 6rey F'ox Road be connectad. M[lier recommended 4hat the <br />dedicatioo o� e� 33' street rtght af way be obtaloed for the extensio� <br />of Grey Fou Rcs;d st �this time. <br />� <br />l J <br />�4ill�r referr�� fhe Councfl to his reQorf <6-1-78) snd fio the site <br />plan of the prcposed devePopment, �s revised (dated 6-9-78); oo4ed <br />3hat the sFur iine �ill be exfended to serve the easfi side of ?he <br />bufEding; noSea tflat the proposed �avetoqraant assumes the extens'sop <br />o�` Grey Fox Raed to connect with ih� eas?erly segment; the appiicanf <br />wffl have to proviAe a tenporary �scess drive (mi�Fhin the future <br />rtght-of-wayD unfii all the nec�sQary righi� of aay is acqutred and <br />the str�et Es extended. <br />dn revfe�x of the si4e plan, F9i 6 ier expfaTned that the roi 1 spur �ui I I <br />wye otf the ex(sting sp�re eievatioo of apur fias beerr estabiished <br />by Soo Ling; on si�te grading proposed does nof char�ge The draiasge <br />pattern - drai�age ts to the �orth as dir�cted 6y fha City Engineer. <br />F9illes no�ted that fhe CiSy Engfneer is not requiring sny de#antfon <br />ponding on �Yhis site, drainage ts proposed d'arectiy to the C6Ufl�y <br />dii'ch. <br />- 5 - <br />