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klinutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Fage five <br />• <br />. <br />February 27, 1978 <br />I. campus is relative�y isolated. <br />2, serviced by good coiloctor roads. <br />3. no access or egress to residential areas. <br />4, thera are permanent and na'rural physical barriers <br />to a�y axpansion from the site. <br />5. campus does not immediataly abut any residential areas. <br />6. proposed set back and scree�Ing mfnimize residential <br />visual impact. <br />7. proJected ultimate enrolfinen� appea� suitabie tor the <br />acreage provided. <br />8, there ls no public o�Jec�ion fio the rezoning. <br />W'ingert moved��b se �n fi�he� easons stated, �h�t Councii approve <br />the rezoning of-#he {ands described ir, the legai description as <br />Bethel College property, from R-i to L-B. <br />Cr(chton noted that he cannot support the motion based on the <br />fact that although none of us can coneeive of the tact that <br />Bethel bili noi• Ge Fhere forever, it might not be, and he cannot, <br />(n good conscience,rezone that area to business; it (s 4eau#ifui <br />res(dentiai proparty; in his mind fhe problem should be soived <br />by re-writing the ordfnance in a aay that the Couneil fe�ls <br />wouid be right for thl� Villege. <br />Woodburn noted that �here are some indications that it's possible. <br />fn a Spacial Use Permit, to limit fihe area to certain types of <br />use• unfortunately et this tirae aa only have tndications of th6s; <br />Attorney has not �eaily gtven us an opinion. <br />Miiler said thafi in rezo�ing, you have in #act created addltlonal <br />uses that could legitimatety be reauested; special use process <br />wilf, however,6e required for any requested change, if Council <br />�pproves a Special Use Permit whtch covers the entire campus; <br />shouid be done, consequently, almost simuitaneously with the <br />rezoning. <br />Woodburn movad to table the motion #o the next meeting pending <br />Attorney Lynden's comments on limitations that can be put on <br />� Special Use Permits, in respect to concerr.s discussed.such as <br />actual use. No second, motion to table failed, <br />Criginal motion carried tWingert, Nanson, Creoeau, Woodburn voting <br />in favor ot the motion; Crichton vo�ting in opposition). <br />Woodburn moved to table the Special Use Pe�mit pending Attorney <br />Lynden"s clarification re tim{ta�ions which can be imposed. <br />Notion was seconded by Hanson ond carried (Woa�burn, Hanson, <br />• Crepeau voti�g in favor ofi the motion; Crichton, Win.gert voting <br />in opposi4ion). <br />� <br />;` . <br />Council noted that Council antictpates }t �ili have a Special <br />Meating on March 6th and a Regular Council meefiing on March 13fih. <br />REPORT OF VILLAG� P�RKS D'dRECTOR JOHN BUCKLEY <br />Approval of Spri�q Proqram <br />Bucklay referred Councii Ro the proposed Spri�g Program Nhich has <br />been pt^esonted t� the Parks Commitfiee and is eecommended io Counci) <br />for approval. <br />After discussion, in which Council expressed concarn re the <br />advertisement of certain actfvities not sponsored by tne Yi!{ags, <br />� Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburr, that CounciE approve the <br />Spring Program as presented, with the ar�e�dment that Countil <br />authorize the Pe*ks Ofrector i�o also consider and stroogiy <br />recommendsadding a CPR program. Motion carried (Crtchton, <br />Woodburn, Hanson, Crepeau voting in tavor of the motion; W(ngert <br />voting 3n oppositio�). <br />-5- <br />