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at which principal and interest are then payable. Holders of grepsyable boads de- <br />siring to receive such notice may register their names and addresses and the serial <br />nwabers of their bonds with the Village Treaeurer. <br />IT IS SEREBSC CERTIFZED� RECITED, COVENANTED AND AGREED thst all acts, con- <br />dltions and things required by the Con&titution and laws of the State oY Mizsnesota <br />to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed preliminary to and in the i�su- <br />anc� of this bond in order to make it a valid and bindin� general obligation of said <br />V13.lage accordiag to ita terms have been done, do exist, have ha.ppened and have been <br />performed as so required; that the Village hes dcly determined the necessity and <br />contracted for the coastruction of said improvements; that the 3anitary Sewer Im- <br />pravement Bond Sinking ESand has been dvly create2 and provision made for tha support <br />thereoY by special assessments to be ievied with respect to the improvements financed <br />• by said bonds, and by the pledge to said fluid oP net revenues to be derived from the <br />operation of tl� municipal sewer aystem, to be collected and credited to eaid fYand <br />at the times required and in aggregate amounts not less than five per ceat (5�i) in <br />excese of ewue suYYicient to pay the intereet hereon and the principal hereoP as <br />they respectively became due, and ad valorem taxes, if needed Por said purpose, may <br />be and are required by law to be levied upon all texable property in the Village, <br />without limitation as to rate or amount; that said gled�e of net revenues of the <br />sewer eystem constitutes a first liea snd charge thereon, in Pavor oY the holders oY <br />the bonds of this issue and of sll outstanding and future issues of gener�.7. oblYga- <br />tion improvement bonds payable and to be made payable Yrom said Sinking l�nd upon <br />the conditions and subject to the limitationa eet %rth in the resalution creatin� <br />said Sinking F1xnd, dated November 3, 1959; �d that the issuance of this bond did <br />not cause the indebtednesa of said VillaQe to exceed any constitutional or statutory <br />limitation. <br />IN WITDk�B Wf�REOF the Village oY Arden Hills, Ramsey Covnty, Minaesota, <br />by 1te Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed in ita behalf by the <br />signeture of its Mayor, countersigned by its Village Clerk, and sealed with 1ta <br />ofPicial seal, and hes caused the interest coupone appurtenant hereto and the certi- <br />ficate sppeaxing on the reverse side hereof to be executed and authe�ticated by the <br />facsimile signatures oY said off"icers, and has caused this bond to be dated as of <br />october 1, 1963. <br />Couateraigned: <br />Village C erk <br />(3EAL) <br />M�yor <br />(Form of Coupon) <br />• <br />No. <br />ffi <br />On the lat da,y of (October) April, 19 , the VilZage of Arden Hills, Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at <br />, in , the amount <br />eha�n hereon iu lawful money of the Uaited States of America Por interest then due <br />on its 3anitary Sewer Improvement Bond, Series E, dated October 1, 1963, No. . <br />(Faceimile sigasture) (Facsimile signsture) <br />Village Clerk Mayor <br />{Coupons avmbered 1p and upwards, attached to bonds numbered <br />and upwards, shall also ipclude the phrase: "Unless the <br />bond deacribed below is called for earlier redemptfon".) <br />-6- <br />