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(Form of certificate to be printed on the reverse side of each <br />bond, following a f1a1.1 copy of the legal opinion on the issue} <br />We cert3f� that the above is a full, true and correct copy oP the legal <br />opi:nion rendered by bond counsel on the isaue of bonds of the Village of Arden Hi11s <br />which includes the withln bond, dated as oP the date of delivery of snd payment Por <br />the bo�l.s. <br />(Facsimile signsture} (Facsimi].e siguature) <br />Village Clerk Mayor <br />7. Said bonds shall be prepared for execution under the direction oY the <br />Village Clerk and shall be executed on behalf of the Village by th� eigcatt;re oP <br />• the A�yor, countersigned by the Village Clerk, aad the corporate s�el of tLa 4i�lage <br />shall be affised thereto, and the appurtenant interest coupons shall be erecutec� and <br />suthenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures Uf said <br />Mayor and Clerk. When satd bonds have been so executed and authenticated, they sha11 <br />be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchsaer thereof, upon payment of the purchsse <br />prioe heretofore agreed upon and said purchaser shall nat be obliged to see to the <br />application thereof. <br />8. The Villege Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a certi- <br />fied copy of this resolution with the Cainty Auditor of Ra�ey County, togetlier with <br />sueh other infoxqaetion as he shell require, s,nd to obtain fr�n sai3 County Auditor a <br />certificate that said bonds have been entered on his bond register. <br />9. The ofPicers of the VilZege and the County Auditor oP Ramsey County <br />are hereby authorized and dlrected to prepare and fl.irnish to the purchaser of said <br />bonds and to the attorneys approving the legality oP the issuance thereof certified <br />copiee of all proceedi�s and rncords relating to said bonds and to the financial <br />ai'Yaira of said Village, and such other affidavits, certificates aud informe,tiari as <br />may be required., to show the Yacts relating to the legal.ity and marketability of <br />said bonds as the same appear frcan the books and records Lmder the3r cuatody and <br />control or as athenrise knawn to them, and such certificates, certified copies and <br />affidav3ts, including any� heretofore ilunished, shall be 3eemed representstiana of <br />the Village as to the correctneas of all statements co�tained therein. <br />The tt�tion Yor the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly aeconded <br />ClY7Uc <br />bY1� B�XYJ�qtllAt <br />voted in Yavor thereof: <br />117.1 <br />, end ugon vote being taken thereon, the following <br />and the follaring voted against the same: � <br />whereupon said resalution was declared du3.y passed and sdopted. <br />$TATE OF NLCNI��A) <br />) ss. <br />COUPPTY OF RAMSEY ) <br />I, the undersigned, beiug the duly quslified and act3ug Clerk of the V31- <br />• lage of Arden Hills, Remeey County, Minnesota, hereby certlYy thet I have ccmpered <br />the attached and Yoregoing uith the original thereof on file end of record in apr <br />ofYice and find the sa� to be a Fu].1, true and correct transcript of the minutea <br />of a�eti� of the Village Council of said Village duly called ead held on the date <br />tl�rein indicated, so fas as such minutee relate to $93,000 Sanitary Se�rer Improve- <br />ment Honds, Series E, of said Villsge, an8 that each of the resalutiona conte.ined <br />t2xrein is a f1a11, true and correct copy of the original thereof. <br />1963. <br />(BEAL) <br />WI7�3 mpr hand and. the seal of asid Village this 17 day of September, <br />_ �S-��'�"'��'`i"" o� "�' 7" i� . <br />Yil�e Clerk <br />-7- <br />