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<br />,:? <br /> <br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />September 13, 1911' <br /> <br />Contractor Claim <br />Motion was made by Hollenhorst, seconded by Henderson, that Dunkley <br />Surfacing Company Claim No. I, In the amount of $38,815.14, be p~ld. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Case No. 71-25 S ecial Use Permit - McGulres Motel <br />Councilman Hollenhors reported that the lann ng ommlsslon recommends <br />amending the Arden HII Is Zoning Ordinance to permit hotels In R-U <br />Zoning; rezoning of the McGuire's property from G-B to R-B; amending. <br />the ordinance definition of motel. A public hearing on the above <br />matters was scheduled by the Planning Commission for Tuesday, October 5, <br />1911, at 8:00 p.m. a~ the Village Hall. <br /> <br />Case No. 71-26. Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development _ <br />Partrid~e Construction Company <br />Councilman Hollenhorst reviewed the Minutes of the Planning Commission <br />Meeting of September 7, 1971, and reported on the Public Hearing held. <br />He stated that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the <br />general concept of the plans for the townhouses and condominiums with_ <br />out giving any specific appr~vals. <br /> <br />Counc Ilman Ho II enhorst' stat'jd that he wou I d II ke to go on record <br />personally as approving the overal I plan for the townhouses and the <br />condominiums. <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />Mr. Donald Partridge, ~ev~loper, ~nd his architect, Mr. Reuben Johnson, <br />Buetow and Associates, discussed the proposal and answered questions. <br /> <br />After further diSCUSSion, motion was made by Hollenhorst, seconded by <br />Olmen, that a conceptional approval, as per attached resolution No.~JI <br />be granted for the c6ndomi~lums and townhouses only, with no specific <br />special use permit to be granted until detailed plans have been sub- <br />mitted to the Arden Hills Planning Commission and to the Village <br />Council; above action to be subject to Village Attorney's review of <br />the mailed legal notices and of the Village Engineer's approval of <br />drainage plans. Motion approved unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 71-32, Special Use Permit - Fami.l.Y:::t_'iP-!..Fost_er Home. <br />After Council dlscussiCln of the matter, and a revlew.of the recollllllendatlons <br />of the Planning Commls';lon of September 1, l!llI, motion was milCle by <br />Hollenhorst, seconded oy Henderson, that the Special Use Permit for <br />a family-type foster home, at 1377 Cummings Lane, as submitted with <br />Case No. 71-32, be denied tor the fol lowing reasons: <br /> <br />I. The buildlnr is not really suitable for occupancy of 10 <br />persons. <br />2. There Is strong objection of '..II... proposal by the neighbors. <br />3. These was ~ recent unfortunate foster home .~perience .In this <br />house. <br />4. Children ~lOuld probably find It difficult to make friends' and <br />the necessity of proving themselves would probably be felt, <br />which Is not what a group home Is trying to establish. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />I Case No. 71-9. 8ulldlng Permit Application - Bethel Cal lege A~ad.mlc <br />Building Comple;< of Six Buildings. '. <br />Councilman Holfenhorst reviewed the Planning Commission recommendations <br />of September 7, 1971. Motion was made by HolJenhorst, seconded by <br />Olmen, that approval be given for the six-building complex, as per plans <br />submitted wit'l Case No. 71-9, subject to the approval of landscap. plans <br />by the Arden Hi tis Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimouSly. <br /> <br />Case No. 71-9, Bethel College Road Access to Old Highway 10. <br />Councilman Nollenhorst referred to the Planning Comm-lsslonMlnutes, <br />dated Sept~mber 7, 1911, and reported that the Planning CommissIon <br />recommends approval of the new road under construction, from Old Highway <br />10 onto t~e Bethel campus grounds. The road Is shown on an OVer-ail <br />site pla~ submitted to the Village several years ago. <br /> <br />Mayor Crepeau reported that the Public Safety Committee recommends <br />approval of the road. <br /> <br />-2- <br />