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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />May 24, 1971 <br /> <br />L. Stromquist was requested to advise Mr. Swangstue and Mr. Hanson, <br />I.O.O.F., of the cost estimate. <br /> <br />"TOPICS" Meeting (Traffic OperatIons To Improve Construction and Safety) <br />Engineer Lund submitted his report of the meeting on May 17, 1971, which <br />Maintenance Supervisor E. Beecher and he attended, with Ramsey County <br />Highway Department resprllSentatlve WI II jam Chennoweth and Mr. Taylor <br />Withrow, concerning the federal funding of the "TOPICS" program. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund described several problem areas in the Village which <br />might be considered eligible under the TOPICS program. <br /> <br />After discussion, Councilman Olmen was requested to advise the Public <br />Works Committee of the TOPICS program, and Engineer Lund's report was <br />referred to the Public Works Committee for consideration and recom- <br />mendatIons to the Council. The Council suggested that Engineer Lund <br />be invited to attend the Public Works Committee meeting re the TOPICS <br />J <br />program. <br /> <br />Proposed 14th Street Improvement <br />After review of a letter. dated May 19, 1971, from the attorney for <br />property owner Miss Truhler re the proposed improvement of 14th Street, <br />L. Stromquist was requested to send a copy of the letter to Minneapolis <br />Hide and Tallow Company, and to advise Miss Truhler's attorney of the <br />Counci "5 action. <br /> <br />1971 ~ty Construction and Maintenance ProQra~ <br />Engineer D.Lund reported 'to the Council that the County proposes to <br />place an asphalt overlay on County Road F, between Old Highway 10 <br />and the west Village limits, and to seal-coat County Road D from New <br />Brighton Road to Cleveland Avenue. <br /> <br />M!!ropol itan Council - Robert Nethercut <br />Mr. Robert Nethercut, In response to a Resolution Re Metropolitan <br />Council, recently adopted by the Village Council, requested an oppor- <br />tunity to discuss the Metro Council with the VI11age Council and/or <br />the Planning Commission; requesting, If concerns re the Metro Council <br />arise, that the Village Council let it's concerns be known; requesting <br />a closer liaison between the Village and Metro Council. <br /> <br />The Council requested J. Hollenhorst and R. Nethercut to schedule a <br />meeting with the Planning Commission and representatives of the Metro <br />Councl I as suggested. <br /> <br />Mayor Crepeau advised the Council that he must leave, and turned the <br />meeting over to J. Hollenhorst. (10:05 p.m.) <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning <br /> <br />Subcommittee Appointment - Highway Department Proposed Reconstruction <br />J. Hollenhorst moved that the Council appoint Planning Commission <br />member Maurice Johnson as subcommittee chairman to study the State <br />Highway Department proposed grade separation tor Highway 51 and Hamlinel <br />Snelling intersection for Its recommendations to the Council; authorizing <br />M. Johnson to appoint his committee members; seconded by R. Herrick. <br />Motion carried unanimously. (3 ayes) <br /> <br />Case No. 70-i7. Rezoning of Annexed Property <br />J. Hollenhorst advised the Council that the Planning Commission recom- <br />mends that the Council rezone the annexed property as proposed at the <br />Public Hearing on May 4,1971, and as Indicated on the attached map; <br />rezoning the western portion to L-I (Limited Industry, and the eastern <br />portion to R-I (Residential). <br /> <br />After discussion. J. Hollenhorst moved that the Council concur with the <br />Planning Commission's recommendations to approve the rezoning as described; <br />authorizing Attorney Courtney to prepare the ordinance adopting the re- <br />zoning; seconded by S. Olmen; motion carried unanimously. (3 ayes) <br /> <br />Engineer D. Lund was requested to prepare the legal descriptions of the <br />two areas, as dsscrlbedand outlined on the map, and submit a copy to <br />Attorney Courtney for Inclusion In the ordinance. <br /> <br />-2- <br />