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<br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Page three <br /> <br />May 24, 1971 <br /> <br />Case No. 71-i4, Variance Request - Henry Knoblauch <br />J, Hollenhorst advised the Council that the Board of Appeals and <br />Planning Commission recommend Council approval of the variance as <br />requested, permitting construction of an addition to the principal <br />structure on the Henry Knoblauch property, 1135 Ingerson Road, to <br />within six feet (6ft.) of the side property I ine. He advised that <br />permission of the proposed construction has been granted by the neighbor <br />affected by the variance. <br /> <br />J. Hollenhorst moved that the Council concur with the recommendations <br />of the Board of Appeals and Planning Commission to approve the variance, <br />as requested; seconded by R. Herrick. Motion carried unanimously. <br />o ayes) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Bicycle Trail <br />J. Hollenhorst advised the Council that the Planning Commission <br />recommends that a bicycle trai i be established in Arden Hills, <br />connecting the various residential areas and providing access to the <br />library and centers of recreation; authorizing a comprehensive <br />committee study be made to determine the routing of the tral I. <br /> <br />The Council referred the proposal to the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee for Its study and recommendations. to the Counci I. <br /> <br />Uniform Bul IdinQ Code <br />J. Hollenhorst moved that the Council concur with the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation to adopt the 1970 edition of the Uniform <br />Building Code, to replace the 1964 edition now in force; the 1970 <br />Uniform Buildirtg Code to remain In force until t.he statewide code, <br />approved by the. Minnesota Legislature, becomes effective on January I, <br />1972; seconded by S. Olmen. Motion carried unanimously. (3 ayes) <br /> <br />Midwest PlannlnQ and Research Consuitant PropOS!L <br />Upon recommendation of J. Hollenhorst, the Midwest Planning and Research <br />Consultant Proposal was referred to the Planning Commission for consid- <br />eration and Its recommendations to the Council. <br /> <br />Underground Util ities Ordinance <br />J. Hollenhorst moved that the Council waive the third and final <br />read I n9 and adopt AN ORD I NANCE PROV lD I!jG FOR THE UNDERGROUND ! NSTALLA- <br />TION OF UTILITY DISTRIBUTION LINES AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ViOLA- <br />TIONS; authoriZing Its publication; seconded by S. Olmen. Motion <br />carried unanimously. (3 ayes) <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance-and Government <br />Bu II d I 11g S <br /> <br />~ange Order No. 3. R~-rooflng of Village Hall <br />S. Olmen moved that the Council approve the EIView Construction Com- <br />pany Change Order No.3, to re-roof the Village Hall, in the amount <br />of $752.61; authorizing the execution of the contract by the Mayor <br />and Clerk. <br /> <br />The matter was tabled for lack of a second to the motion. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STAN OLMEN - Public Works <br /> <br />No report. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN RON HERRICK - Parks and Recreation, Human Rights, <br />Ordinance Review <br /> <br />Oak Wilt Notices <br />R. Herrick moved that the Council approve the sending of five-day <br />. notices to remove trees Infected wIth Oak Wi It (two properties re- <br />maining); seconded by S. Olmen. Motion carried "nanimously. (3 ayes) <br /> <br />-3- <br />