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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />January 25, 1971 <br /> <br />Page two <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance and Municipal Lands <br />and Buildings <br /> <br />Vllla~e Insurance - 1971 <br />Councilman Henderson reviewed the results of the Insurance Study <br />by the Finance Committee, and presented the analysis of VIllage <br />Insurance needs, prepared by Mr. John Orme, Compass Agency, Inc. <br />(attached). <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney's letter, dated January 25, 1911, was reviewed. <br /> <br />Councilman Henderson moved that the Council concur with the <br />Finance Committee's recommendation to award the bids for General <br />Liability and Workmen's Compensation Insurance to Home Insurance <br />Company, and the Umbrella Liability Insurance to U. S. Fire Insur- <br />ance Company, as presented and attached; appoint The Compass Agency, <br />Inc. as Insurance consultant for 1970 and 1911; approve payment of <br />an additional Insurance consultant fee In the amount of $447.00 <br />for services rendered In 1910. The motion was seconded by Council- <br />man HOllenhorst and carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Finance Committee Meet~nq - Seminar Request <br />Councilman Henderson moved that the Council authorize the attendance <br />of the Clerk Administrator and the Treasurer at a Seminar on Infor- <br />mational Systems for Local Governments, at a cost of $60.00 per <br />person, to be held on February I through 3, as recommended by the <br />Finance Committee at Its regular meeting. The motion was seconded <br />by Councilman Hollenhorst, and carried unanImously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STANLEY OLMEN - Publ Ie Works <br /> <br />Uniforms for Public Works Department Employees <br />In accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Committee, <br />Councilman Olmen moved that the Council approve the rental/purchase <br />of uniforms for the Public Works Department employees, as outlined <br />in the Minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting of January 15, <br />1971; seconded by Councilman Hollenhorst., Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Lift Station Repair <br />Councilman Olmen advised the Council that the Public Works CommIttee <br />has reviewed the letter from Glff's Water and Waste MaIntenance <br />Service, and has determined that Maintenance Supervisor Beecher Is <br />fully aware of the proper 11ft station maIntenance and has, and wIll <br />continue to, maintain the stations properly. The Council requested <br />that Mr. Beecher prepare a detailed report of the present condition <br />of each lift station. for Public Works Committee and Council revl~w. <br /> <br />Frontage Road - H1~hway Department Request <br />Councilman Olmen moved that the Council concur with the recommenda- <br />tion of the Public Works Committee to accept the Minnesota Highway <br />Department request that the Village maintain the west frontage road <br />along Highway 10, between Highway 96 and 1-35W, as outlined; seconded <br />by Councilman Henderson, as per attached res~lutlon. MotIon carlled <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Olmen noted that acceptance of maintenance of this road would not <br />Increase the state-aid street funds received by the Village. <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator Stromquist was reqeusted by the Council to edvlse <br />the Highway Department of the Council's action; requesting tha~ the <br />Highway Department complete the proposed cul-de-sac as soon as POSSible. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCI~MAN RONALD HERRICK - Parks and Recreation, Human <br />Rights and Ordinance Review <br /> <br />Rink Attendant Leadmen Rate <br />Councilman Henderson moved that the Council concur with Councl1man <br />Herrick's recommendation that Mr. Allen Benson be appointed rink <br />attendant leadman, at a rate of $2.55 per hour; seconded by Council- <br />man Hollenhorst. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />(j <br />