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<br />MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />January 25, 1971 <br /> <br />Page three <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government and <br />Publ ic Safety' <br /> <br />Bulldln~ Inspector Applications <br />Mayor Crepeau Informed the Council that applications have beeR <br />receIved for Building Inspector. The Council referred the appli- <br />cations to the Planning CommissIon to appoint a sub-committee to <br />review the applications, prepare a Job ~escriptlon and Intetview <br />the applicants. - <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />License Renewal ApplIcations , ' <br />Clerk Administrator Stromquist advised the Council that Lieut~nant <br />Sexton, Police Department, Health Officer, Or. Robert Dunn and <br />Fire ChIef, H~rry Ehlers, have recommended approval of the licensing <br />of the below listed business places for 1971 lIcense renewal, ex- <br />cept Dr. Dunn to review Llndey's Inc. after completion of a remodel- <br />ing projec7 now under construction. ' <br /> <br />Councilman Hoilenharst moved, seconded by Councilman Henderson, <br />that the following ilcenses be approved: <br /> <br />McGuire's Enterprises, Inc., 1201 West_County Road E <br />Restaurant and Soft Drinks - <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Automatic Retailers of America. Inc. <br />Restaurant at Control Data Corp;, 4201 N. Lexington Ave. <br /> <br />ROQer Rellln~, 3151 Lake Johanna Boulevard <br />Grocery store, Off-Sale Malt Liquor and Cigar~tte <br /> <br />G. D. M.. Inc., 3610 North Snelling Avenue <br />Off-Sale and On-Sale Melt Liquor <br /> <br />Llndey's. inc., 3610 North Snelling Avenue <br />Restaurant and Soft DrInks <br /> <br />Flaherty's Arden Bowl, 1213 West County, Road E <br />Restaurant, Soft Drinks and Juke Box <br /> <br />Harkins Golf Tees, 1200 West County'Road E <br />, Golf Drlvln9 Tee operation <br /> <br />MotIon carried ~nanlmously. <br /> <br />George M. Hansen Company Claim - December 1970 <br />,Councilman Hende'rson,-IlIoved that the Council approve payment of the <br />George M. Hansen Company claim, as presented In December 1970; seconded <br />by Councilman Ol~en. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Plannln~ Commls~lon Minutes Request. Subtirban Sun <br />Tabled until 'Council Meeting of Febr~ary 8, 1911. <br /> <br />HumanRI~hts Commission - Request ,for 1"'aIled Notices <br />rIfe' Council approved th-e"mai'Ting"or'n"otTces'tO"--the'H'uman RIghts <br />Commission members for the two regular me~tings each month, a~ <br />requested. ~.' ' <br /> <br />Snellin~ Avenue Reconstruction Discussion Request -County ~nQ' Anklan <br />The Council req~ested Clerk AdmInistrator StromquIst to invIte Mr. <br />Anklan to appear: before the Councll on February 8, 1911, to di;scuss <br />the Snelling Avenue reconstruction proposal which was denied by the <br />Council; to also Invite the Planning Commission members to attend <br />that Council meetIng. <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />........ <br />