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Minixtes of Aegular Council �eeting, September 28, 1959 <br />4 <br />this <br />. NLr. Crepeau recommended that the Couneil waie'e the rules, consider/the <br />lst, 2nd, and third readin$ of Che ordinance and moved that the Council <br />paes the ordinance, seconded by De�nge. Motion oarried. Publicatioq <br />can be delayed until October 8 as Roseville does not require that it be <br />published before October 6. <br />The sewer contract documents betwsen I�amettl & Sons, Inc. and the Village <br />of Arden Hills for Project Nos. 1& 2, of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 1, <br />•found to be in order by attorney, were presented to Council, approned by <br />Council and properly signed by the ��yor and Deputy Clerk. <br />The attorne9 presented the Village Council with a oontract letter from <br />Hanister Engineering Company, dated September 14, 1959. Up to this time, <br />there has been no formal agreement between them and the Counc3l. Lettar <br />referred to Fittance Committee. <br />Council noted that stakin� and field inspectiope were not included except <br />at aq extra fee. Before a contraet is entered into with Banister Eng. <br />Co., the Council felt that the matter should be investigated thorou�hly. <br />Tha attorqey staied that the property damage provis3on in tha i�surance <br />aection of the buildin� code dePinitelg referred to �25,0OO.OD for each <br />accident end racorrunendad thet bhe Clerk�s office reject all certificatea <br />of insurance that do not comply with this provision. <br />•PIIBLIC WET,FARE: xennedy regorted that he had attended � Rural Municipal- <br />ities meeting on county planning. Ae feit that the purpose of the �roup <br />was �o �et a degree of planning for all of Ramsey County. The group would <br />like a representative from each village to attend meetings and help make <br />up a� overall map of existin� zon3n� apd bring back suggestions to local <br />village. It is actually reactivgting the Ramsey County Planning Comtniss3on <br />that held its last meeting in 1952. <br />DeLange moved that tne msyor appoint a representative to attepd theae <br />meetings. Mr. Crepeau seconded motion. �otion carried. <br />The incinerator proposition was also revived at this meeting. Warren <br />Brenna� would like a representative from each village to attend a meeting <br />to keep i❑ touch and gather facts. ffihe Counb�l su�gested that the group <br />determine whether there is a problem before trying to solve it. �r. <br />Ken�edy was appointed to attend these meetings. The Clerk 3s to inform <br />1�r. Brennan. <br />•Mr. A�hbach was unable to attend the Governor�s Conference on Vlater Pollu- <br />tion but sent two representatives, Dr. Sekhor�, Hee.lth Offiaer, and a <br />represeatative from Banieter E�gineering. The report was made. Dr. Sekhon <br />felt that water pollution was no problem itt the Village arax. <br />The Council recommended that there be spot checking 6g individuals if <br />they had a problem. No official action at this time. <br />� <br />