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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, September 28, 1959 <br />5 <br />• PUBLIC SAF`ETY: Crepeau attended a meeting called by the Re.msey Cou�ty <br />sheriff for villages interested in buying poliea protection from the <br />county. The Council sug�ested that aomeone from the Sheriff�s office he <br />inv�ted to come to a council meeting to diseuss the ma�ter with the Council, <br />Crepeau also attended a ftamsey County Officials meeting. The9 are attempt- <br />ing to adopt a uniform ordinance oq burning apd fire control throughout the <br />countg, Theq are recommending seven apeaific chan�es in ths fire ordinanee <br />•Nlatter referred to the Fire Chief and then to the Villa�e Attorney for <br />recommendation. <br />The New Brighton Fire Department stated that they euould like to be paid <br />�75.00 for each call they answer in the Village of Arden Hills. It was <br />�ecommended that the Ramsey County Sheriff�s Office dispataher be et�coura�ec <br />to send the proper fire depas�tment to the proper village. <br />October 12 there will be a hearing on the Village Budget for 1960. <br />Mapor's Repoxts A letter received from the Walter Aztler Compapy interestei <br />in preparin�_complete plana and specificatios�s for awarding sewer con�racte <br />was put on file with the Clerk. <br />pshbach reported that he and Mr. Stanslaskg, Naw il�ighton mayor, discuased <br />the possibilitg of asking the county to take over 5towe Avenue. The Counci; <br />reierred the matter to the mayor who is to write a letter to the County <br />Commissionere requesting them to take over �nd maintain this street. IVIr. <br />•Ed Salverda was present at the Council meeting and the Council requested <br />his help in the matter. <br />PUBLIC ROADS: Mr. DeLange reportad that he had received a complaint from <br />Mrs. Richard Carlson,.1159 Carlton Drive, concerning a drainage problem on <br />Tiller imne. ppparently, a houae is being built on a lot by a bir. Andersora <br />which is tha natural drainage for that area. The 1ot has been tiled and <br />ioright green water is com3pg out of the pipe most of the ti.-ne. She feels <br />that it is a health hazard to children playing in the area. Mr. Dei�ange <br />suggested to her that the area could be fenced or boarded over the top. <br />The matter was referred to Mr. ?,shbsch and �r. Del�nge for further action. <br />Mr. DeLe.nga ha� recently inspected all village streets and he is recommend- <br />ing that some of them be oiled. <br />Mr. Kennedy moved that the proposed budget for 1960 �s presented bgy <br />accepted by the Council for the public hearing, October 12. Motion <br />seconded bq C�epeau. Motion carried. It was observed by the Counoil <br />•that tha mill rate will atay appro�[imately the same for the coming yeap <br />if the proposed budget is adopted. <br />A letter from �nister En�ineerin� Company concerning the Preliminary <br />Report on Sanitary Sewer Improvement for the southwest portion of the <br />Village, dated August 10,.1959 be placad on file with the clerk. <br />•A letter, dated September 23, irom the Village insuranae agent, Wm. H. Hite <br />wae placed on file with the Clerk, recommending that the Village Hall be <br />appraised by McGregor-Deyo Appraisal Company to deternine the correct <br />amount of insurance that should be carried on the building, cost of appra3s <br />not to exceed �25.00. There is a bindar eovering �15,000.00 of fire, <br />extended coverage and vandalism insurance on the hall at the present time. <br />