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• <br />SriINUTES OF REGUZAR ,.'�'ETIhIG <br />CvJNCIL OF, Ti� VILI,AuE OF A�D�Pl HILLS <br />TuTonday, June 13, 1960 <br />The meeting was called to oxder by .sIayor Ashbach at 3:03 P.:+i. <br />Roll Call: Present- /�shbach, Crepeau, Strmmquist, Jones, �ennedy. <br />Absent - None. <br />• T2e minutes of tne �;iay 23rd, 1960 meeting were read an3 approved as <br />amended. <br />ivirs. David B. Clark, 3484 Glenarden Hoad, came before the Council with <br />a corriplaint that sand and gravel from the road has aeen Vrashed dotivn into <br />the ditch beside the road, damaging sod that they had layed to improve <br />t2e appearance of the ditch. She requested that this be removed. The <br />matter vras referred to i;ir. Jones to handle. <br />Mrs. Lloyd Kolby, 3466 Glenarden ftoad complained tYiat surface water frotn <br />the surrounding area drains onto herproperty, and consequently they <br />have had water in their baseme:�t, especial�y since tne heavy rains this <br />spring. She requested t2at the water be directed in another direction. <br />The Council edvised tnat sewer vaould be started in that area soon and, <br />at that time, tYie surface drainage will be h.andled also. The new high- <br />way, wnich will soon be constructefl to the rear of the property �wi11 <br />•also be planned to take care of some of tne drainage problem. <br />Bx. iCennetn Boss, 1515 North Pascal, St. Paul, auestione3 the Council <br />as to the proposed rezoning of the area South of Koalski Hoad and East <br />of Hamline Avenue� from residential to industrial. He is purchasing a <br />house across the street from che area and would like to see tne area <br />remain resi�ential. Mayor Ashbach stated that a public hearing re: this <br />tract oi' land was to be neld toni�ht. As of this date a suLtsble use <br />for the land in question has inot been presented to the Council. Kennedy <br />moved that the proposed rezoning be tabled until a suitAble use is pre- <br />sented for the area. Crepeau seconded. Carried. <br />Mr. Carl L'anger, 3356 Lake Johanna 31vd. requested information re: 5ewer <br />Improvement #2, fie was asked to direct his cyuestions to Mr. Banister and <br />and Mr. Short of 3anister Lngineering Co. when they arrive at about 9;30. <br />i,:r. Harry Enlers, 3256 riew Brighton Road, and i�ilr. Harland Hedlund, 3051 <br />Fairview, prosented the plans and legal description for the proposed I:ake <br />Johanna Fire Station, to the Council. The new �uilding is to be located <br />•about 100� nort:n of tne present sta�ion on IQew Brighton Road. A building <br />permit was requested. kennedy moved that tne Council give preliminary <br />approval and waive the "�25.00 permit fee� subject to a report from <br />Attorneg Courtney as to.the deveating use in a residential area. Jones <br />seconded. Carried. The matter was referred to Attorney Courtney for <br />the required qewspaper notices to be published and his report. <br />• <br />h� <br />