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"� <br />for Consolidated Water Tmprovements Lvose 6�-2 and 68-3 s��ll be <br />publiahed as required by law, shall s�ecify the work to be done, <br />shall ca11 for bid� upon the basis of a cash pa1mi�nt for such work, <br />shall state thati'the bids will be opened and ta}�ulatetl by the Clerk <br />• Administrator and Consulting Engineer at 2:00 o'�lock P.M., on <br />October 3, 1969, irt the Village Ha11j that no bifls will be con- <br />sidered unless s���ed and fil�d with the clerk and acCom�anied by <br />a cash deposit, �ertif�.ed check or bid bocid payable tb t�e Clerk <br />Administrator for ten per cent (1096) of the amount of such bid. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was <br />duly seconded by Councilman Hollenhorst and, upon vote being taken <br />thereon, the following voted in favor: All present, <br />and the following against: None; <br />whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />• -2- <br />