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� ' <br />MR. RICHI�RD i7EYER5, 1758 Venus Avenuea Asked if the <br />Council could order the construction of the improvement <br />immediately but forego awarding of the contracts in order to <br />avoid jeopardizing receipt of the federal grant. Also asked <br />why the federal grant would be applied against the portion <br />of the i.mprovement to be paid by general taxes rather than that <br />portion to be paid by assessments. Wanted to know if it would <br />be legal to apply the grant to the other portions of the <br />viliage. <br />• MR. RAY�iOND FARICY, Attorney at Law, NLinneaota Building, <br />St. Paul, Minnesota, representing Columbia Transit Companye <br />Asked for an explanation of the change in location of water <br />lines from the 1968 plan to the current plan. One of the <br />changes he indicated is a water line now running in front of <br />the school and he asked 1£ the school district would be <br />assessed. Also wanted to know if the school district had <br />requested the water. Rurthex asked why the cost of the improve- <br />ment remained substantially the same when the system has been <br />enlarged. <br />NII2. JEROi�� TIP9i�i, 1400 Cummings Lane: If construct3.drr <br />must be done in the boulevards, would they be restored. <br />�. EUGENE GAZELKA, 3263 North Snelling: Asked if the <br />proposed location of the water line in the area of the southeast <br />corner of Lake Johanna could be changed so that he and his <br />neighbors could avoid the cost of running the line 700 feet to <br />their homes. It was expla�,ned that it was impossible to obtain <br />easements to run the line as he suggested. Further asked if <br />the line could be run in at an angle rather than along the <br />highway. <br />PAR. I�RBERT KULt�IAiv, 3279 North Snellinge Asked if <br />everyone in P�tr, Gezelka's area had been personally contacted <br />about the easements. Also asked if the line could be angled <br />after it passed the property of those who had refused to give <br />easements. Further mentioned that if they have to run their <br />lines 700 feet from the highway, there wouldn't be enough water <br />pressure to make it feasible. <br />� <br />