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: <br />MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEE'iIN� <br />Page five <br />April 30, 1979 <br />Publ9c Works Committee Resiqnation <br />McNiesh repor?ed the resignation of Chuck Kelly fram the Pubiic <br />Works Committee. Crepeau requested that a replacement be sought. <br />McNiesh reported that several residents have calfed ta offer <br />their services on varlous committees, as a result of the request <br />for volunteers fn the May Town Crier; anticipates more names wiil <br />be received over the next few days. <br />mmandations f <br />Counctl was referred to the Finance Committee recommendatton <br />(Minutes of Meettng of Aprtl 12, 1979) that ths water ra'te remain <br />• afi 65�/M gallon, and that all standby cherges remain in the <br />aater uYility starting in 1979; that sewer rates stay as they are. <br />Atter discussion, Wood6ur� moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council <br />(I) commend the Finance Committee for fine work on utflity ra#e <br />studies, (2) agrea xith outltned def1cits in water utility, (3) <br />ResoBution be prepared to raise water rates from 65alM gallcn to 68�JM.Ga1 <br />effectt�e 4-1-79 }o I-�-80 (temporary 3ncrease); sewer rates to <br />remain the same. Motton carried unanimously. <br />..aao n�. .�-c� acnoi�•s dnc. � YB�K uea�c�r�on <br />Councal was referred to letter request from Schqil's Inc. to pay <br />their park dedfcation (n Cnstallments, rather than at time of <br />occapaa�y. <br />LJ <br />6dt�gert moved, seconded by Woodburn, tha# Council approve payment <br />of 25K ot the $19,625.00 park dedtcatfon at time of occupancy, and <br />the baAance in four eqaal 90-day tnstallments. Nlotion carried <br />unanlmously. <br />REPORT OF CIERK ADM9kISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNtESH <br />nca�_�u��vn �vv, r�-�v, npporrioninq hss�ss�m�nrs � nynriaqeloues� <br />W►ngert moved, seco�ded by Hanson, that Gouncil adopt Resolutlo <br />No. 79-14, Resolution Relating To Apportionment Of Assessments <br />Reiating To Water Improvements Nos. 67-I And 72-I And Sewer im- <br />provement No. 12-13. Motdon carried unanimously. <br />Reso9ution No. 79-20, Apportioninca ASsessments - McClunq/MCC►unq <br />Wingert moved. seconded by Hanson, that Counctl adopt Resolutlon <br />No. 79-20, Resolutton Relating 7o Corrected Apportionment Of <br />Assessments Relating To Consoitdated Sanitary Sewer Improvements <br />Nos. �2 And B3. Motlon carried unantmously. <br />Case No. 79-4, Land 0' Lakes EAW - Neqative Oeclaration <br />Councii was referred to the Land 0° Lakes Environmentat Assessment <br />Work Sheet which has been modified to incorporate the changes <br />suggested by Pianner Miiier, Engineer Christoffersen and Councii- <br />mart Wingert. <br />Wingert moved, seconded by Wood6urn, that Councit file a Negative <br />Oeclaratlon and authorize execution'of tfie Land 0' Lakes EAW, <br />Mot�on carried unanimous�y. � <br />Woodlake Sanitary Service - Rate Chanqe <br />McNiesh reported recefpt of notificatfon of a residential rate <br />increase for Woodlake Sanitary ServFc� to E5.00 per mon4h or <br />$57.00 per year eftective May 1, 1979. <br />Councbi noted the change:,, which is to be filed aitA fhe Woodlake <br />Sanitery Serv(ce license. <br />Aprls Payeotl, <br />Nanson moded, <br />April,payroll, <br />Motion carrted <br />seconded by Wingert, that Council approve fhe <br />second half, and Clafm No. 12144, as submitted. <br />urtanimously. <br />-5- <br />� <br />