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M�NUTES OF REGULAR COUNC9L MEETfNG March 12, 1979 <br />Page two <br />Mi@ler reported fihat fhe PBsnning Commiss6on recommends Counci6 <br />approvat of a change from � to 2�ul�dings, afit�ched or ��tached, <br />and a change in unit mtx to 3� one-bed�oom and 42 fro-bed�oam- <br />units, as r'equ�5tede w6fih 3'he Coni'Vnger�Cy tha1� ihe @ ineer �ffect <br />of the Gui@dlrsg be r�duced. <br />Gary Ba68ey presenfed a sk�tch o•f an aB4ernate deveBopment con- <br />figuratto� whtch would bend the bui6ding fa reduce its appearance <br />tn tengfh from th� homes �ho fhe south. BaiBey not@d that ihFs � <br />option vaas suggested by th� City PBanner and seemed to be accep- <br />tah9e fio the Pla�ning Comretsslon; stated that this a9ternate <br />confTguration would a9so be acc�pfab6e to Bai9ey Enterprises. <br />BalBey satd i�h @s #helr und�rs?anding that the POannTng Commission's <br />recommendatton is not to pddn our bulldingQs) buS to guide us <br />dn fhA prepara�FTon of a p0an the Ptanoang Co.mmtssDon r(BE support. <br />. Bai@ey expsained i-hat once 1t ts d�termined whether two or four <br />bul9dings are pr�terrnd, •l-hey wou9d draw plans accordTngBy; Infiend <br />to buiid the 72 �partmeeo� unBts in edfiber case; prefers the twa- <br />bu{Bdtng corocep4 aith coromon sec�►rlty ares becauae fhe larger <br />buTfldings wS91 hays more quaEtty tu3Bt into ihem. <br />BatBey descrtbed the praposed three-stnry buied6ngs to be approxi- <br />mate0y 27 feef in helght, mlth brlsk exterior; Bength of each three- <br />story bui6siing Is approximate0y @96 �eet, connected Dy a one-story <br />secur6ty area. <br />�on quert_ed as to what changes have occurred slnce l973, to <br />make tao butBd�ngs b�iter than fou� buBBdings; four-buiiding apart- <br />ment concept was �ppar�ni�y consBd�red a raasonab8e Band use <br />gradaYion bsfive�an sing0e-garo6ly dwe61ing5 and commerciaE uses and <br />to @Imif the sca0e of �Phe apartment structures to make them more <br />compatib9e wTth adJacenf homes. <br />WTngert noted fihat fhe 4raeesition between s6ng8e�famBBy homes and <br />th� commercial area was � sfirang reason #or Counet�°s appraval of <br />4h• four apartmen4 buiBdBngs on thts site vrhen Hunters Park pas <br />approved. <br />Crichton queried eohefiher the Sxo buiBding concept wouBd have also <br />bean considered an ap�ropriai�e transition fram the res6denfiiaB to <br />th• commercia�. <br />Hanson asked if underground garag�s couBd b� a cons8deration. <br />BroCBe said, to put garages underneath the 6ub9dings would cost <br />2-2}tlmes the cost o� d�tached g�rages; not sure the site jusfi0fibs <br />underground garages, but wiSP &ook tnto Tt; but@dings, as pro- <br />posed have no basements; firsY floor 9s at grade; heating, 9aundry <br />etc,.are locatad in fhe one-siory area connecting the tero buildings. <br />Qrichton suggested that if the foar buf8ding concepf is not good, <br />perhaps sing0e»famiBy homes should be consEdered. <br />4doodburn safd that ha �rou8d prefer no apartmsnfs in Ardert HiBBs; <br />appareni@y thera is no way we can pr�vent the four-buiiding apart- <br />m�nt comp9ex on thia site; persona86y prefers 4Ae txa-build@ng <br />concept to four buitdings; cons�ders the garages as the eys-sore, <br />not the apartmenta; asked (f garsges are proposed tor each of the <br />� 72 apartm�nt units. <br />Bat9�y sald garages ara pe°oposed finitia&@y tor f of the units; <br />proposes that at time they �re sold as condominTums, aB@ wi1B have <br />, a garage. <br />�lingert satd hg do�s no# see fihe advantagm of t�o build9ngs over <br />four; undergo�aund par6cTog may reldevs Th� site cnnJesfTon; does <br />not feel the proposed bui�dPng confTgurat600 provides the City <br />�ny advaefiages over th� four-buiBding decentralized 800k. <br />, <br />Woodburn sadd he fae�s fMo bui9dings are ^Bess busy" and e less <br />obtruslve us� of the sTte. <br />-Z - <br />