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CC 11-13-1978
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 11-13-1978
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TESTIMONY (continued) <br />Page five <br />Mr. Connors said we are not, at this time, ftghting the facts ot <br />this situation; Wayne has admitted he has a problem; he's willing <br />to sit down and try to do something to solve the probiem which he <br />tee�s has been brought on by alcohol; would Iike to continue in <br />the program mtth the realization and pride that he'II have a job <br />to come back to, and he will be able to do somethfng with his �ife. <br />It was explained that the treatment program tries to save the person <br />and still have the right to work; if Mr. Launderville continues <br />thfs program, and makes something of his Iife, he'II come back to <br />work, and Pt is certaln his attitude will be improved; it wiil im- <br />prove the whole sttuation. It was explained that the in-patient <br />treatment involves counseling wfth family and employee. <br />Mayor Crepeau asked Laundervllle k,� he dentes, over the past terr <br />� years, these petit thefts? <br />Answer. No. <br />Crepeau - I have personally talked to a Pubiic Warks empioyee:, <br />and he expressed his opinion. He said he'd come, if we asked him <br />to. I see no reason to ask your colleagues to come up here and <br />testify against you as lo�g as you're admt�tting these petit thefts, <br />but he said he didn't care to work with Wayne Launderuitte as a <br />partner. I don't want to violate a confidence, but this was first- <br />hand information 1 received. It was unsolicited. It seems the <br />situation has become untenabte because of your conduct over this <br />period of time, especially with your co-workers. <br />Launderville - I also realize tha�, and I can't blame them. <br />Crepeau - Your Council has taken an oath.of office to up�hold the <br />law, and I'm hesitant to say this, but you are standing here, under <br />your second suspensfon, and nearly your third; had it been handled <br />in any other fashion you would probably have been suspended for <br />the third time earlier this summer, but the courts worked it out <br />for you, artd i didn't intertere, nor did the Council. 1"m frightened <br />of what's happening when you're o� the job going through the <br />• residences, when you are installing meters, and this Council is <br />responsible for your actions fn those homes. Wq'd be more than <br />remiss if we did not see to (t that they are protected from you. <br />Thts is very very se�ious. <br />• Launderville - I've never taken anything out of an occupied <br />home; only oft of construction sites. 1've never done that. <br />Council was asked by Connors if there could be some sort of a <br />probationery period tied in with this, after whlch Council cou�,d <br />then make its decision, after the treatment program is completed. <br />Woodburn - It�s-very conceivable that in the program Wayne is in, <br />he'tl get to know himself, which is usua�ly, for any of us a <br />shatterPng experience.ito know yourself). We all hope Wayne will <br />• get Yo know himselt, and come out of this. I think we are a Itttie <br />remiss ourselves perhaps in not picking this up a little sooner; <br />perhaps we were just too "easy going";, perhaps we_�weren't smart <br />enough. 1'm afraid that at this point, after working with Wayne <br />� betore on things a�d hoptng he would straighten out, I(ust don't <br />think I have the trust, in a public capacity, to keep g0ing. I've <br />_ kind of reached the end ot my rope and am torn terrfbly, not knowing <br />whether thi�gs will change but recognizing tt quite a while <br />to find out where we were, as it was; am wondering if perchance, <br />we find out we were wrong again, how long would this take? When <br />would we know it? looking at our responsibility to the Vlllage, <br />vrhfch is a very publlt responsibility, � can hardly take it privately; <br />� represent the Village as a whole (If I could take tt privately, I <br />would). ! just don't think I can recommend continued employment <br />because of these aspects. I think there is a good chance that <br />Wayne can straighten out, and I think this is not a good psychologi- <br />cal thing to do at thTs time, but i don't think I have a choice, <br />
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