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TESTIMONY tcontinued) <br />Page four <br />� <br />Johansen said that when he asked the Pubiic Works empioyees if they <br />wanted to make any statements at tonight's hearing, they said they <br />would rather not, unless they were requested #o do so. Johansen <br />said he belleves that every one of the employees would probabiy <br />tell you that he doesn't like working aith Mr. Launderville; seem*to <br />b� misiead or lead astray when they work wtth him. Johansen satd <br />that two of the employees have known Launderville for years, and <br />both said they "can't quite buy this, because he hasn't 6een <br />drinking that much this past six months to a year". Johansen said <br />tt surprises him that he has a"drinking problem". <br />Woodburn notad that one can be surprised, yet it can be the truth. <br />Joha�sen satd "That's true, but it surprises me." <br />Hanson asked Johansen tf he discussed the several described incidents, <br />as they took place, with Mr. Launderville, and if he indicated hts <br />displeasure and dissapproval fn each instanceY Johansen said, "No, <br />not each ot the incidents, some of them," Hanson asked Johansen if, <br />in more than one tnstance, he indicated his r.:tl:tsapproval of Launder- <br />vil�e of his behavior, and that he was not going to aliow it to <br />contlnue2 Johansen said he had. <br />Hanson asked Johanse� if he wanted to make a dtrect recommendation <br />to the Cou�cfl as to what he'd like Council to do; noted that <br />Johansen need not do thts if he preferred not to. Hanson advised <br />Johansen that Launderville has asked to be retnstated, and the other <br />alternative ts not to reinstate him. <br />Johanse� said he thinks Council has his recommendation on his memo <br />to Council. <br />Hanson said, in other words, you are saying that is current today, <br />as far as you are-concerned. Johansen said "Yes." <br />• Hanson asked how long Mr. Laundervtlie has worked for the City? <br />Johansen said "in the neighhorhood of 10 years". (McNiesh advised <br />that Laundervilie started on September I, 1968.) Johansen said <br />his attendance probably varies very little from that of the other <br />empioyees; his tardiness was quite a problem for a time, but after <br />• talking to him that improved; he wasn't the only one tardy.` Hanson; <br />asked 3f Launderviite has a history of "Monday morning absence", <br />which sometimes characterizes people who have to hav0 additi.onai <br />time to recover from a weekend2 Johansen said he does not; atten- <br />dance is not the problem, it has been his poor attitude toward tha <br />Job. <br />Rebuttaf by Mr. Laundervtlle: <br />Launderviife said that there must have been a ttme descrepancy re <br />• the fire brick inctdent; safd he reaity did talk to the contractor <br />on Wednesday night at about t0:30 p.m. (apparently contractor told <br />Bud it was on Thursday). In regards to the street signs, he said <br />that, i� all honesty, Bud will remenber that about a year ago, 1 <br />talked to him about the signs and he said "Go ahead and take them". <br />� I didn't thi�k I spent that much time. We were go(ng to Control <br />Data; I stopped and threw them in the truck; they were already <br />_ dismantled; suggested it might have taken } hour. The cart I did <br />take; that was by the ratlroad tracks on Thom Drive. The shtngles <br />and roofing were given to me by a roofer; they were excess, and I <br />asked the roofer if 1 could have them; wanted to use them on a barn; <br />didn't cara what color.they were. I know my attitude hasn't been <br />worth a"damn", I wouid like to change that. <br />