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CC 11-13-1978
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City Council Minutes
CC 11-13-1978
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TESTIMONY (continued) <br />Page two <br />Woodburn asked tor guidance in procedure; understands that a sus- <br />penston/reinstatement is a semt-judicial exercise of the Council <br />and as such feeis that Counctl shouid hear the problems or charges <br />as observed by any witnesses that may be here; should then Iisten <br />to a rebuttal or explanatton and then co�sider, if we can, what the <br />eventual effect on the Village will be re what is happening, as <br />we Judge his attitude; feels we have to hear the charges and evi- <br />dence and rebuttal. . <br />Hanson said that it was his understanding that the City wouid see <br />it there was specific information that could be given to Launderville <br />as to what the charges were. Connors sald they have the letter <br />notifyfng Launderville of the suspension, but nothing substantiat(ng <br />what the charges are. <br />� Public Works Superintendent Johansen was asked to Iimtt his comments <br />to what he has observed himself and to what he can report that he <br />was told ithings Johansen has observed himself, wbrk problems as <br />reported to him, attitudes in the department). <br />• <br />. <br />Johanse� said the latest tnstance was the taking ofi fire brick, that <br />showed up in a City truck at quittfng time a coupie days before the <br />suspension. Johansen described the incident as follows: <br />There was a fire call just as the men were returrting to <br />the garage at the end ot the work day; Launderville and McKinnay <br />answeced the fire call and Johansen said he walked inta3 <br />a conversation; Brunette was say�f�g?�"C „ maybe i should tell <br />Bud". Johansen said he totd 8runette that, tf he had some- <br />thing to say and wants to get it out of his system, he should <br />tell him, Brunatte said he doesn't want to work with Wayne <br />Laundervilie anymore; said (t seems when working with Launder- <br />ville ihat he feels as responsible for what Laundervi�le <br />does as he aould if he dld the stealtng himself; feeis he's <br />as guilty as Launderville ts for taking things, Johansen <br />asked Wayne Brunette what he meant, and he said to look in <br />the truck. Johansen said he went out and looked and found <br />seven fire brick. Wayne B, told Johansen that Launderville <br />took them from a construction site on Indtan Oaks Court. <br />Johansen satd he took the fire brlcks out of the truck and <br />was taking them to his office when Launderville returned from <br />the fire call and asked him what he was doing with "his fire <br />brick". Johansen said he told Launderville that he wasn't <br />sure they were Launderville's bricks; said he intended to <br />find out where they came from so he could return them. <br />Johansen said that the following morning, Laundervflie told <br />him that he had taiked to the contractor about the bricks <br />and was told that he could have them, Johansen said he had <br />tried to reach the contractor that eventng and during the <br />followtng day, but did not reach htm until the following <br />• morning at about 7:30; reported that Launderville had <br />talked to him last night (may have been some time discrepancy, <br />but Jahansen said he asked the contractor taice about when <br />Launderville taiked to him.) <br />Johansen said that, prevtous to this situation, one of the employees <br />reported that Wayne Launderville took a lawn cart that was on <br />Thom Drive that dfdn't belong to him; it was being used by some <br />kids buildtng a fort or tree house. <br />Johansen reported that two days after the car inctdent, Launderviile <br />brought the van back to the shop partialiy loaded with roofing <br />materials tak�n from a construction stte. Two days prior to the <br />suspension, Johansen said, one of the employees reported that he <br />
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