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TESTIMONY (continued) <br />Page three <br />� <br />and Launderville spent considerable time that afternoon driving <br />around the Ctty looking for a 4x4 that Wayne Launderbiile wanted <br />to set a mail box, and that they also spent considerable time at <br />the water tower dismantling aluminum signs. When the other employee <br />asked him Nhat he wanted the signs for, Launderville said his son <br />collects aluminum for scrap. <br />When asked ff he saw any aluminum signs around, Johansen satd there <br />were some aluminum brackets in a box in the van that night tthe <br />van that Launderville was assigned to that day). <br />Johansen said that, at vartous times, all of the employees have <br />come to me and said they didn't want to work with Wayne Launder- <br />ville; when we do, we don't get anything done. He's disrupting <br />the whole Public Works Department. We don't get any productlon <br />from the other employees when they work with him, and we don't get <br />any production from Launderville most of the time. <br />Johansen was asked if he has noticed any decrease in the productlon <br />of the unit that went out? Yes, 1 can send one man out to sefi�� <br />water meters and he may set 2 or 3, possfbly 4 that day; I can <br />send two men (one beTng Laund�cville) and they don't get any more <br />done. <br />Johansen said there have been various times he knows of that <br />Laundervilte left the City - one time he went to get his television <br />tubes tested. Johansen said he sent one ot the part-time summer <br />help out w)th Launderville this summar to clean catch basins after <br />the heavy rains; part-time man reported they did not finish the <br />job - we have about i} hours left - would have finished if I'd had <br />some help, but I had to drive the tr,uck and clean the catch basins <br />myseif; Laundervllle sat in the truck all day long and never got out <br />of the truck and he also took a nap. <br />When asked if catch baslns work could have bee� more difficult <br />than Johansen anticipated, Johansen said "It was after a heavy rain, <br />. yes" Johansen said he was told by one employees that a door latch on <br />one�tnuek a;$9 brpk8q; Laundervi.11e kicked it and broke it. Wayne <br />Launderville dtd replace the latch on his own time, which I told <br />him to do after hours one night. <br />• Johansen referred to the suspension of Launderville a year ago �ast <br />September -�ater tower incident - which demonstrated his irresponsi- <br />biifty at that time (W�odburn noted thatthis incident could be refer- <br />enced, since it is in the Minutes). <br />Johansen reported another incident of some time ago when an employee <br />said Launderville dropped him otf at the Ilft station to work and <br />then took ofif. I don't know he went. Johansen said he just <br />can't tolerate this behaalor any more. <br />� Woodburn summarized that, in addition to the reports that Johansen <br />had received, he has personal knowledge of a misappropriation of a <br />Model T, finding of aluminum signs and brackets, fire brick and <br />rooftng construction material in the Village truck (corroborating <br />� what Johansen was told) and as a matter of fact, personal observa- <br />tion of a door latch problem; these are aIl things that Johansen <br />" has noticed. Woodburn asked Johansen if he. at any time, noticed <br />anythi�g that might indicate a medical problem2 <br />Johansen said "No, that surprises me. A few years back, I'd say, <br />'yes'; withtn the last 6 months or year, it never entered my mind <br />that Wayne had a drinking probiem. I know that at times he drinks <br />a considerable amount (or did) but it appeared to me lately that <br />he doesn't drink as much as he used to." <br />