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i�iR. i�9ELGER: The only read-out we have �hat the first <br />fellow who spake details (inaudible) says it goes up 35-f�J along <br />the west side of our property and down Highway l00 <br />• P�1R. CHRISTOFFERSEN; I think you're referring to the <br />legal description, and that's just a 1ega1 description of the <br />improvement, <br />MP.YOR CREPEAUs That`s the whole area. <br />MR, CHRISTOFFERSEN: That's enCompassed by this dotted linea <br />MR, MELGERa I would come out against it at present. Tae <br />just don't have the usage to justify the coat, <br />t9AYOR CREPEAUe Unless you checked out your insurance <br />savings, <br />P4R. I�ZGER: lae have been approached about the possibility <br />of having a fire hydrant closer to our yard, At the presento <br />I don°t know where the fire hydrant is. <br />MR, CHRISTOFFERSENe It's right here, With this project <br />under construction, I don't know tvhat you`d consider the <br />closesto but there°d be one along herea <br />FROM THE AUDIENCE: On this dead-end line going up to <br />this boundary, is this a possibility that there's not enough <br />usage in that end of there being stagnant water? <br />�lR, CHR15TOFI'ERSENe There's a possibility of it, I <br />think the �aatermain would probably have to be flushed at regular <br />intervals. The reason that the large s3ze main is needed is <br />to provide enough diameter for fire protection. It's not <br />really domestic supplyo <br />FROtd THE AUDIENCE: (Tnaudible) ous' chance of gettinq <br />stagnant water and this too came up about pressure where it <br />joins to Hamline Avenue, there have been some complaints <br />throuqh that area that they have loat water pressure and it <br />pumps into the Shoreview system, <br />P�R, CHRISTOFFERSEIda 4�Te don't pump into the Shoreview <br />system. They have a completely different system, <br />FROI�1 TFiE AUDIEI3CE; Ule wouldn't be conneCted into that? <br />• P9R. CHRISTOFETsRSEN; This is all Arden Hills system and <br />I have never heard anythinq about water pressure, <br />AiR, HARRY SCHROEDER, Gay Realty, representing Estate of <br />tiJilma Smithe This is an alternate? <br />� <br />