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�R. CHRISTOFFERSEN: The very basic plan o�e think is neces- <br />sary - this is the watermain that would be constructed this <br />year under a previous order by the Council, t��le caould be <br />connecting on at this point, going around the lake back to here <br />• and down to this point. That°s the base plan to provide a loop <br />in a large area, plus the fact that we need to construct some <br />watermain to serve this property in this area. <br />T9R, SCHROEDER: Is it appropriate to speal: about the base <br />p1an7 irle have intentions of developing industrial property on <br />the west side of Round Lake, hopefully with the cooperation of <br />I4re Griffis (7), that entire 33 acres, so we would subscribe <br />to that installation along 35-Gd wholeheartedly. <br />tflR. JOHiV LAD7YER, JR., 1484 West Highway 96: That's up <br />along the blue stripe. UJe're strongly opposed to this develop- <br />ment because the cost would be prohibitive for us. I hope I <br />caught the right figures, but I figured it would be approxi- <br />mately $11,000 for us. I would like to stronqly contest any <br />assertion there would be any sort of commensurate improvement <br />in the value of the lande To start with fire insurance - our <br />total premium now is $200 a year. If we had a fire plug in <br />front that would eut it maybe by 50� which is more than generous. <br />*ae save $lOD a year for something which costs us $11,000. In <br />terms of the value of our property, �ae have a well three years <br />old and never had any trouble with it, but having been a recent <br />home buyer myself, I can't see if i walked up to somebody and <br />said we have this lovely house for sale for x-thousand dollars <br />and over the next 20 years you aTill be paying $10,000 or <br />$20,000 compounding the interest - what he'll say is let°s <br />come down $10,000 or $15,000 on your house< In fact, I think <br />it would be more than double. I don't have an actuarial table, <br />but $11,000 is $22,000, so I would say a$25.000 assessment. <br />That's about two years of earnings for me and that's a pro- <br />hibitive and punitive levy, and my third point is we don't <br />have any substantial acreage behind us. ��Te have a total of <br />7 1/2 acres that go back seven hundred some feet. The house is <br />back 100 feet from the road, There simply is no way we could <br />develop back there, and no way we could do it without destroying <br />the value of our home as a ho�site, so I don't see from our <br />point of view anything that we're qaining from any of these <br />points of view that (inaudible) does to touch the amount of <br />money it would cost us, so i would like to join those that are <br />firnly opposed to this project. <br />COWi CILMFu'V CRICHTON: I just �ranted to get something clearo <br />• Your property is about 7 1/2 acres and 430 front feete I went <br />through some rough calculations. If it's.$16 a front foot <br />(inaudible) would run about (inaudible). <br />P�IR. LAt�7YER: Are we the S19? <br />0 <br />