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:� <br />MR. CffitISTOFFERSEN: "This southern connectiott connects <br />to a 12 inch - the larger trunk line - and the 12 inch follows <br />this pattern. This could possibly be dropped off and carry <br />• the 12 iach along this (inaudible)." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICFPrON: "One thing to consider - the aouthern <br />connection is not easential to the looping. The next is the <br />line along 10 from the southern connection to the northern <br />connection. That will serviae, I would guess, abont 30 lots <br />• total from 96 down to al�st 698 - that line will serve about <br />30 lots depending on how the southern end developa. Preswriably <br />that would be pretty expensive for the lots there. I don't <br />believe that line is essential to the looping either." <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "If you take too many out you qet <br />larger loops. You have a series of loopinq systems. You <br />• could make one loop around trie entire system, but you need <br />connecting loops. The (inaudible) report did not have this <br />loop in. No, I guess it came around from thia direction and <br />• didn't aerve here because this went into New Brighton, so <br />si�ce this became a part of the village it made sense to bring <br />this loop around this side. If, for instance, we have a major <br />point to feed from {inaudible) this area to the south is only <br />fed by one line coming up New Brighton Road. There's quite a <br />large azea there, and thia would also feed back into this <br />• area (inaudible). I'd have to check out (inaudible) factors - <br />pressure loases through there. I would suspect this piece <br />of line could be left out completely (inaudible) damaging <br />the system. I would think this would be an advantage then <br />to have this across here." <br />• COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "it would be more advantageous is <br />that other leg is left out." <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "t�ihat i attempted to do is put a <br />complete system on the board, and then as you take something <br />out you have to look at somethiag else, and it's kind of hard <br />to put all the alternatives (inaudible)." <br />• COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "I'd like to look at that posai- <br />bi2ity of leaving out that particular leg - particularly if <br />I hear tonight that the people along there are not overly <br />anxious for it. We have only heard one say he's not parti- <br />cularly anxious for it." <br />9 <br />