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❑ <br />in.„ <br />"We woulcl have to keep this portion <br />• COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "Not necessarily. I don't know about <br />your pressure losses, Now you go west throuqh the industrial <br />park and I resiize it's good to feed through the industrial <br />area and you could 2oop up to 96 and across Snelling." <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />• <br />MR. CHI2ISTOFFERSEN: "i'd �ave to chec3c the calculations <br />on that," <br />MR. CF3RISTOFFERSEN: <br />COUNC2LMAN CRICATON: "That's worth looking at." <br />COUNCILMAN CREPEAU: "What about the development south <br />of Round Lake? How many lots �uld be platted in this area?" <br />COiA�TCILMAN CRICFPPON: "That could be an appreciable number, <br />and indicate perhaps that part should be left." <br />NIIt. CHRISTOFFERSENe "If this were to be developed, it <br />may he to some advantaqe to (iaaudiblej in the development <br />with a large line ar�d provide (inaudible) service and then <br />back aut. That's a possibility. There's alwaye a passibility <br />of cominq down through a development with a line and putting <br />the mfnor lines out from it, and that's just a matter of (in� <br />audible)." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "Have we had any requests from the <br />industrial area for water?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN; ��Y've had twa peopie discuss it with <br />me. I don't knaw whether you'd call it a request - not a <br />• formal request, but it has been discussed." <br />MR. ALLEN .TOHNSON, 4529 Lakeshore Places In tavor of the <br />improvement. <br />MRS. DORdTHY MC CLUNG, 4370 North Snelling: Saifl she's <br />the majority owner oE 15 1/2 acres of land which 3s enjoyed <br />• for outdoor sports by everyone in the neighborhood. They <br />ha�e good wells, but think it will be necessary to develop <br />the property when it's assessed. <br />�'-� <br />