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� <br />MR. LEONARD GRUDNOSI�, 4445 Highway I0: Asked iE the <br />City's water source could supply enough water for the fmprove- <br />ment, and when he was told that the water comes from the St. <br />• Paul system through Roseville, Mr. Grudnoske asked if it <br />might not be more economical ff the city supplied its own <br />water. The opinion of the engineer and bond conaultant was <br />that it would not. <br />MRS. JAMES WINIECKI. 4471 Highway 10: Asked what the <br />• intereat carrying charge would be if the assessments were spread <br />on the tax rolls. Mr, Popovich replied that in recent years <br />it had been 89b but the decision would be made by the Council <br />at the time of the assessment hearing. Mrs. Winiecki further <br />asked if the improvement had beea instituted at the requeat <br />oE the developers in the Snelling Avenue, Highway 96 triangle. <br />Mr. Chriatoffersen said that the original water plans had been <br />• drawn in 1972, but there had recently beea interest from <br />several areas to have it installed. Mrs. aliniecki added that <br />• the developer will be able to collect the cost of the assess- <br />ment when he sells the property. <br />l�IIt. GLEN B�GGIN, 4519 Lakeshore Place: "You're asking <br />us to pay for water of inferior quality. I'm appalled. I <br />had no idea our water came from that system. S'd like to <br />knaw what qualify control check there is in our own (inaudible) <br />• system. T'm i.nterested in the things I read. i teach environ- <br />mental studies and get copies of the reports. I'n not delighted <br />with the city water system that you tell me we're qoing to hook <br />into, Another {inaudfble) you only had to put a ban or stop- <br />use of water once, and look at what you're adding to the <br />storage tank we have now. Z'm not interested in beinq told <br />• I can't use it either. One, what kind of qualify control does <br />Arden 8ills have? Do we have an inspector that inspects our <br />holding tank, and two, what do you foresee as the capacity of <br />the tank we ttaw have? Are we looking at another cost for <br />everybody in the village for a tank as those homes go in <br />those areas?" <br />• I�t. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "There fs a potentisl for a second <br />tank, and there always has been. The system was desigaed <br />under one system and we're not deviatinq from that. When the <br />need occurs, and the demand is there, there will probably have <br />to be another water tank on Red Fox Road. There's already a <br />pumping station there and a tank site. I do not helieve at <br />0 <br />