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� <br />lJ <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />u <br />COF7NCILMAPT CRICiiTON: "I think Mr. Popovich could answer <br />best, but I understand that if there's no benefit, there <br />would be no assessment." <br />MR. POPOVICH: "You vi11 qet notice of another hearing <br />after the project is all done, and, if this matter goes ahead, <br />and then everybody wili know exactly what they're going to be <br />assessed, and if you can come up at the assessment hearinq <br />and show there`s not benefit - and that means a change in <br />the market value of the property, The Supreme Court says <br />that's the test - what was the value of the property hefore, <br />and what is it after. Zf you can show no benefit, we can't <br />assess you." <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "I'm aware, as I mentioned earlier, <br />some or all of this will be desirable, and I have concerns <br />on which parts may not at this time be desirable, and one of <br />those sections is along Highway 10, and as I listen to people <br />talking, it sounds like it was about as to wanting it <br />ox not, so there's some desire and some desire not. We have <br />one that I've hear� spoken in favor of having any water supply <br />north o£ 36. Do we know if there are any others that have <br />asked Eor water up there? I'm looking at it, saying perhapa <br />we shouldn't do the area north of 96, and perhaps we shouldn't <br />do the area around Round Lake, and put the rest in, and i£ <br />anybody can clarify that better for me I'd appreciate it." <br />MR. LEE ROEBItE, 4355 Highway 10s "About a year and a <br />haZf ago I had well problems so I called the Village Aall and <br />asked what was proposed for water, and T was told the oaly way <br />water would be brought up that section of Highway 10 which, <br />at that time. served about 15 homes, was if it was petitioned. <br />T put in a 200 foot well and I can psamp as much water as <br />everybody here cou].d drink without any problems, and 3 don't <br />anticipate well problems, and I don't see the need for water <br />except for fire hydrants, but if it was put in i prob2hly <br />wouldn't hook up. I'd rather flrink my well water than go to <br />my mother's and drink her City of St. Paul water. You can <br />put a well i.n (inaudible) Jordan vein for $2,000, and in my <br />case that's $4,Op0 cheaper than putting in watez. The averaqe <br />cost per hundred foot over 20 years is $280 a year per hundre8 <br />feet approximately. One other comment is that if we have had <br />price increases of 10�6 a year - and this wouZdn't be done until <br />next summer - are we looking at another increase?" <br />Y�1 <br />