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� <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "There's money in it for about a <br />year's period." <br />• MR. ROEBXE: "The charge is assessed when the whole thing <br />is done, and if the contractor makes a mistake - as often <br />happens in the construction business - of being 10% or 15% <br />over, do we stand that expense?" <br />l�t. CFIl2ZSTOFFERSEN: "The enqineer's estimate could be <br />� off." <br />MR. ROEB1�: "if it went through, would $18.21 s foot <br />be firm?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: You would have a better idea of the <br />costs if the plans and specs were drawn up and you put it out <br />for bids. Then you can pretty closely tell how my estimate <br />Scompares with the bid. Imake an estunate on construction <br />cost, and increase it ?.5%, and I've been off." <br />• <br />COUNCiLMAN CRICHTON: "I can say his estimates have <br />comfortably (inaudible) contained the situat3on. I would <br />like the engineer to give us the alternatives of the project <br />without the section heading north from 96. I recognize the east- <br />west section along 96 in that triangle would be necessary to <br />• make a loop - but find out how much difference that would be, <br />and how much difference it would be if we did not have the <br />section from there down to there. I realize he can't give <br />us that tonight." <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSENe "I may be able to." <br />. COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "I quess (inaudible) to believe if <br />water is going to be supplied to the houses around Round Lake <br />if we would do it at the (inaudible) it will end up to be <br />cheaper than if we attempt to do it without that now, and 5 <br />or 10 years it would cost those property owners moxe, and <br />not just because of the cost escalation. Doing it all at <br />once spreads it over more footage and acreage where that <br />• stretch has limited frontage. it's only on one side and no <br />acreage and if it goes in now in the total pot, it would be <br />cheaper." <br />12 <br />