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• <br />• <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "Very carefully. We have five Councilmen, <br />one of whom is not here this evening, so before you leave, I <br />would prefer that we defer making a decision to give Dr. Woodbura <br />a chance to vote on it. He was called out of the city so I would <br />like this Council to wait until Dr. Woodburn is able to vote on <br />this problem, and we don't have to vote on it for six months, <br />so another day won't hurt, so if you folks are for the project, <br />raise your hands." <br />COUNCILMAN WINGERT: "One of the things I think makes sense <br />- I think this Council is going to eventnally put some water in <br />somewhere. 2 think this is a reasonable assumption because there <br />are enouqh petitions aad land owners who are developera. 5ome- <br />thing will go in. I think that's probably a reasonable (inaudi- <br />ble) at this point. We're not in the business of aelling water. <br />I don't think we're txying to sell these fox-holes in the ground <br />in front of their property if they don't want it. My suggestioa <br />is this - that if we're to take an overall vote tonight on who <br />wants it and who doesn't on this whole project, what we'll find <br />out is not qoing to be what we want to know. There are peop2e <br />who want it and people who don't. Can we break this up by <br />segments? I'd like to know, by the residents of Highway 10 on <br />the esat side of Round Lake how many people are here from that <br />area and how do you yourselves break out, because that will help <br />me. I think that's an area that'e an issue. If there are other <br />issuea that are equally (inaudible) like along 96 between Hamline <br />and Hiqhway 10, we haven't heard from signif3cantly (inaudible) <br />I heard one person.'� <br />F'ROM THE AUDIENCE: "='m the only one that lives there." <br />� <br />. <br />F'ROM THE AtTDIENCE: "If these developers went water, let <br />them pay for it." <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "They do." <br />FRDM THE AUDIBNCE: "They won't pay any more than I do, and <br />I don't want it, and you're talking about over $20,000 assess- <br />ment." <br />N(AYOR CREPEAU: "You got a big lot." <br />FROM THE AUDIENCE: "The assessment will be over $20,000." <br />� <br />