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street will be put in, but the one <br />• are no present plans for developing <br />in a cost of acquisition?" <br />u <br />� <br />south of Round Lake - there <br />that area. Have you figured <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "Not an excesaive Cost. There is a <br />contingency cost that would cover normal things, but nothing <br />excessive." <br />CoUNCTLMnN CRICHTON: "If that line would go through <br />property that is not being planned for develop�nt, the cost <br />might be pretty high.�� <br />FROM TI� AUDIENCE: "Has aaybody told my dad about this - <br />about qoinq across the land?" <br />NtAYOR CREPEAU: "Did he get one of these notices?" <br />FROM T8E AUDIENCE: "He's 67 and I don't imagine he pays <br />too much attention." <br />MAYOR CREPFAUs "Maybe you better tell him about it." <br />MR. <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />J <br />."Why don't you run it alonq the freeway?" <br />MR. CHRIS'rOFFERSEN: "It could be. I would venture to say <br />you would get more benefit out of the line if it were in here <br />somewhere and if this pzoperty (Inaudiblej I believe there is <br />some activity there and I haven't seen anything on it, but I'm <br />sure that we'd try to coordinate our efforts with that activity." <br />MAYOR CREPEAUz "So maybe the line xrould be moved north if <br />Mr. Bussard is going to develop his propexty, and if Mr. wi.niecki <br />is going to sell one lot to pay the $7,000 assessment maybe he'd <br />want some water service to that lot, so it behooves you to talk <br />to dad about it. Even if he's 67 I think he'd understand you." <br />FROM TI� AUDIENCE: "How do you make a decision? it seems <br />as if there's some controversy along Highway 10, and I think <br />there are some of us that are somewhat neutral. I don't need <br />water, but I'd Iike to have a fire hydrant in £ront of my house. <br />I'm not opposed to it, and I'm not for it, if that makes any <br />sense. I s�ou].d like to see a poll. Maybe that could be taken <br />where people could be opposed or neutral oz for, so you could <br />make some decfsion. 8ow do you make decisions like this?" <br />19 <br />