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e <br />• <br />� <br />MR. CMIEL: "When you talked about eliminating the lower <br />part on Highway 10, oz possibly the northern part - north of <br />96 - what I'm saying is, Lakeshore Place, attyway you look at <br />it, has to stap in there for a loop, is that right?" <br />I�+IIt. CHItISTOFFERSEN: "If you want a looping system, and I <br />recommend a loopfag system." <br />FROM TF� AUDIENCE: "I'm talking about the induatrial <br />area on the west side of the lake." <br />MR. CHRTSTOFFERSEN: "I don't know where else we would go." <br />• FROM T'HE AUDIENCE: "Because I have a new well, and S'm nOt <br />lnterested either. I'm wondering about my mother that lives <br />right on the corner. It seems like it eliminates her. My lot <br />is the last lot - the last one. Does that eliminate har?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "I don't think so. She would get <br />service. I dbn't know how much would be frontage for her, but <br />she vueuld get serv3ce." <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "All those in favor of Lakeshore - just <br />• the top. A11 those that live in this area, how many are for <br />the project?" <br />� <br />..... 1 in favor, 4 neutral, 3 opposed <br />MAYOR CItEPEAU: "Now, let's take the lower leg." <br />. . . . . 2 in favor� 5 neutral► 3 opposed . . . . . <br />LJ <br />MR. EARL LEWIS, 1524 West Highway 96: "I always thought <br />this was (3naudfble) for us to have water in. Maybe we do get <br />rid of the rust besides having the well fixed every once in a <br />while." <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "You'd like to have water?" <br />• <br />MR. LEWIS: "Yes." <br />MAYOR CREPEAUz "I suppose we mijit as well circle Round <br />Lake. From here - around here." <br />22 <br />