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e <br />� <br />� <br />• <br />• <br />� <br />. . . . . 1 in favort 1 neutralt none opposed . . . . . <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "Let's go north aronnd the trailer park." <br />• . . . . 3 in favor� 1 neutralt none opposed . . . . . <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "Now let's take the Ieg across Highway 96 <br />from the intersection - that's from Siqhway 10 to Snellinq." <br />-.... noae in favort none neutralt 1 opposed ... <br />MAYOR CREPSAU: "Now froar Snelling to 8amline." <br />. . . . . 1 in favorr 1 neutralt 2 opposed . . . . . <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "Now for Snelling Avenue." <br />. . . . . 1 in favort none neutrali 3 opposed . . . . . <br />MR. JOi�] MC CLUNG, 4329 North Snellinq: I'm one of the <br />crooked developers down there. Some way, forced into it. I <br />had talked to Don Christoffersen and some other people, Somehow <br />i hope that water can get into the 20 acres that I own. I don't <br />know that it has fio get in there via Snelling Avenue. I just <br />don't have that expertise, aad T don't know that any other <br />clear-cut method has been recommended, so, so far as whether it <br />comes down Snelling or not, I'm goinq to get socked with enough <br />assessments, and I would juat as soon not see my neighbora get <br />it at all. Maybe that Snelling Anenue ists't necessary at all, <br />For me, and Dietrich to the south of ine, maybe there's some <br />other way of doing it." <br />FROM TI� AUDIENCE: "I was under the i.mpression that water <br />cou2d be taken in there without a dhole qoing on Snelling." <br />� MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "When I dd�scussed this with you, I said <br />if this were to develop, there perhaps could be some water lines <br />brought in to serve just this area, but then you stiil have to <br />reinforce this. As this area continuea to grow you need these <br />• lines ar�d it's better to get them now while the property is in <br />a raw state then when it's developed, and there you go - you got <br />your sewer and water and storm sewer and you're tearing it up <br />each" <br />23 <br />