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�• �� V�.11age Clerk shal.l, a� soon as maY be. pr�pare a�� <br />transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate oi the assesamRnt <br />ro21. with each inataliment arid i.ntereat on each uapaici ae$esemer�t <br />set forth separately, to be eactended upoxs the proper tax lists of t8e <br />Courity, and ti�e County Auditnr sha11 thereafter collect said asseaa- <br />menta in the manner provided by law. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing reao2ution was duly <br />•seconded by Clerk stramquist, and upon vot� bei,ng taken thereo�� the <br />foiloair�g voted in favor thereofs All <br />and the following voted against the samea None <br />whereupon said resolutian was declared du2y passed aad adopted. <br />� <br />