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Therebeing no objections, Memoer Crepean then introduced the <br />iollawinq reaolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLI]TIODT ADOPTING ANA <br />CONF'TRMING ASSBSSR�DTTS FOR <br />3ANITARY SEWER IMPROVF.MENT NO, 6 <br />BS I'!' RRs�LVED by ths V3.ilage Council nf the Village of Arden <br />� Hi.11a, ASinnesota, as follows: <br />1• T'he amount propex and necessary to be apecially sases�ed at <br />this time for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 6 against every assessahie <br />lot, piece or parcel of land affected thercby ha� been duly caiculated <br />upon the basis of beneffta, without regard to cash valuation, in <br />accordance with the provisions of l�ii.nnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, aad <br />notice has been c'lu2y published, as required by law, that this Council <br />would meet to hear, consider and pass upon all objectipn�, if any, and <br />said proposed asaesmment has at a11 times ainas its filing, been open <br />for public iaspecticn, and an apportunity has be�n qive�n to all <br />ixsterseted persons to present their objectiona, if any, to such pacw <br />posed asaes�ents. <br />2. R'lsis Couacil, beiag fully advised in the preanisee, fitsds that <br />each of th� lota, piecea aad parcels o£ land enumerated in the proposed <br />aseessment q�$ �d is specia2ly benefited by the constructiort of safd <br />improvement ix� not less than the amonxst of the asaess�neafi set oppostte <br />the description of each such lot, piece and garcel of land, xespectively, <br />and auch amoqsnt sos�t out is hereby levi�d against each of the respec- <br />tive lote, pieces and pazcels of land therein described, <br />3. The pxoposed assessments are hereby adopted and conPirmed aa <br />the proper epecial aseea�ments for eaah of said 2ots, pieces and parcels <br />of land respectively, and the assessment again6t each parcel, together <br />with interest at the rate of 5% per annum accruing on the Eull amout►t <br />thereof from ti� to time unpaid, shall be a lien coacurrent with <br />generai taxes upon such parce2 and all thereof. The tatal amount of <br />each �uch assessmeat shali be payable i,n eguai annuai principal instaZl- <br />ments,extending over a period of twenty (20) years, the first of aaid <br />iisstallments, toqeth,er with interest on the ent,i,re assessment fraaa the <br />date hereof to becembex 31, 1964, to be payabie with gene,rsi taxes far <br />the year 1963, collectible in 1964, and one of each of the remaining <br />installmentB, together with one year's int�rest on that and all other <br />unpaid instalimexit6, to be payable with qeneral taxes for eac:h consecu- <br />tive year thereafter until the entire assessment is paid. <br />� 4, prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditar, <br />t� ��' �f �Y ��, Piece or parcel of land asseseed hereby may st <br />�Y t�e PmY the whole of such assessment, with interest to the <br />datte af paymeat, to the V311age Treasurer, but no intersst �Y►all be <br />charged if such payment is made within 30 day� sEter the date of this <br />reaoluttosa. <br />