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s/ <br />� <br />Page 4 <br />B6inutes oi Villa�e Cour�cil B2eeting July 29i 1983 <br />200 ft. radius oP the aites notify them of the consideration of a <br />special use permit end giving them until Auguat 12, 1963 to atate any <br />objeetions - motion carriedm <br />C. c3, Rein Plat <br />enn ng and Zodiag Committee racommended that the 8 year old <br />C. Gm Rein plat be upAated to meet present front Yootage requiremente and <br />the two lots, as originally planned, be deeded to the Village � thia <br />is not so designated on the plato <br />Truetoe Crepeau moned, seoonded by Trustee 01men, tktat the plat be <br />given fina 1 sgpronal with the nariance to lct aize requirement fot� <br />eathetic reasona ae this will allow the aide lot linea to correspond <br />eith the exiating property ebutting the backs of the lota, aad eubjec� <br />bo the deediug of Lot 1, Block 10 and I.ot I5s Block 5 to the Villsge <br />foT public use - notion oarried. <br />Referred to Villsge Atty; to so inform Mr. Em McAonough of the C. G. <br />Rei[I Coe Of t�:�is &ctloDe <br />Arden Hilla iS orteman Club <br />e nn ng an oa ng ommittee considered the build4ng and site <br />plans for the proposed elub bail8ing end ite requeat for a Aop�conforming <br />uae permit. The Committee recommended that the exterior oP the build= <br />ing he more in keeping with the R-1 area, and, beEauae of the Pir�pcial <br />condition of the Club, suggested thet a bond or other proteation be <br />obtaiaed to assure oompletion. <br />Pdatter tabled until sft9r the Sportsn� n Club mseting in Auguat and <br />further report from the Planning apd Conin� Committee. <br />Pilgren Property <br />a recommen e y the Plaaning and Zoning Committee, Trustee Olmep <br />moved ths t the 2.03 scree looated Eeat of the fire atation on New <br />Bxightop Road be purckssaed from Bur�on Pilgren, 3211 Johanna Blvd „ <br />at a aoat oY �500 per aore, aubject to the followin� three aonditionea <br />1. <br />2. <br />The Vil].ege erect a satiafaotory fence arouod the erea to prevent <br />a nuieanoe oP neighborhood trsffic through his yardo <br />The Village bear all aurvaq costa involned in the tranaectiop. <br />3. In the event the Villege should fill the area to a level abone <br />that of the dorthweat part of Mr. Pilgred+a remaining property, <br />the Yillage should also Yill that portiop of hia property ao ea <br />to prenent any drainege uuieapce. <br />Motion asrried. <br />S eoial IIae Pei�mit - Ihz lex <br />ounc aona e s qn or s apecial use permit to Mrs. Hunt to allow <br />• e duplex to b• buiit on Cennon Anenue tabled until further reconvttenda- <br />tion f'rom the Pl�nnin� aad Zoping Committee. Committee requeste8 <br />modifioation oS the plsne so the at7ruo�ure xi11 look lesa lika a duplex, <br />Clerk requeated to inform Tru�tee �eth rcut, �hairman of tne Plannin� <br />sad Son,�pg Committee that noticea muat bo sant 8 daye bePore Counoil <br />oonaideration to the property ownera vrithin a radiva of 200 Pt. of the <br />aite. <br />�6AYOR AENNSI77C�S RF.PORT <br />Aahbach Bill <br />Mayor enna resd a letter from Mayor Vgvoulis, st. Paul, dated July 17, <br />1963, requeatiag Arden Hilla to neme an engineeP an8 oae oLher poraop <br />for repreaeptetion to work on s�eaeral plsp For aewerage oolleetion <br />snd treatmeqt for the metropolitan area, Thig pLn to be preeeated to <br />the Wster Pollution Control Commiesion by October 1 1964, Ck�pter <br />882, I,awa of 19&3, referred to ea the pAahb�ah Bfil� authorizea thie <br />action. <br />- continued = <br />